Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

33, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
view are very different. In dense urban area, for instance, the 
simultaneous visibility at the street level is highly dependent on 
the directions and the incidence angles of the pair of images. In 
this context, the expected completeness of the elevation surface 
is easily anticipated from the viewing angles, the estimated 
buildings heights and streets width. 
Regarding the part of the scene visible from both points of view, 
the performance of the matching, at image level, depends also 
on how different the two points of view are, but this dependence 
cannot be theoretically quantified. Many factors are involved in 
this process, as the matching algorithm, the morphology and the 
texture of the scene, but, from a statistical point of view, we can 
say that the matching RMS error E,,, is an increasing function of 
the stereoscopic angle @ with E,,(0) > 0. 
If we assume that the final 3D measurement error is (roughly) 
E,yz() = Em(a)/tana, an optimum angle value may be 
found for a given algorithm and a given scene. 
If more than two images are available, the previous rule holds 
for each pairwise matching. If the matching errors are 
statistically independent from one stereo pair to the other, one 
can expect an improved accuracy from the merged elevation 
measure. Unfortunately, the errors are not always independent 
and, even in this case, the well known 1/+/N rule holds only for 
the RMS value (not for the 90% error). That is why an 
experimental approach is required in order to estimate the actual 
accuracy of each combination of viewing angles. 
As far as the robustness and the completeness are concerned, a 
benefit can be expected from multiple stereo pairs, as long as 
the additional viewing angles allow sufficient ground visibility 
and resolution. 
This work concentrates on the actual 3D performances obtained 
from Pleiades images, using various stereoscopic configurations 
over various landscapes. 
4.1 Bundle adjustment 
The attitude biases and drifts of all images are simultaneously 
estimated, using a set of ground control points and a large 
number of tie points. The high density of the tie points allows 
checking the consistency of the data set. 
4.2 Pairwise matching 
Individual stereo pairs are matched separately at the pixel level, 
using a belief propagation algorithm. 
4.3 3D measurements merge 
When several stereo pairs are available, the corresponding DEM 
are merged with a statistically robust criterion, filtering as much 
as possible the matching errors. 
The following experiments were made during a very early stage 
of the Pleiades validation phase, just after the launch. The 
interior orientation of the camera was not fully optimised at this 
time and the results presented here may not reach the ultimate 
accuracy that will be available when the satellite is officially 
declared operational. Nevertheless, according to our past 
experience, these results might be very close to what can be 
expected in the best conditions from the Pleiades specifications. 
Stereoscopic images have been acquired in a single pass over 
the four following areas: 
e Lisboa (2 images) 
e Hobart (3 images) 
e Montagne Sainte Victoire (2 images) 
e Melbourne (17 images) 
These sites were previously surveyed with various airborne 
cameras during the past twelve years. From the oldest of these 
aerial references, Lisboa and Hobart, we could only extract a 
few tens of check points. Even if the Melbourne reference is 
rather old, we could extract a more significant number of points. 
For these three sites, the check points are concentrated in the 
dense urban center. The last site, in the south of France is 
almost fully covered with a recent 5meter digital terrain model 
(DTM). A large number of control points were extracted 
exclusively on bare earth to avoid the discrepancy between the 
Pleiades DEM and the reference DTM. 
The absolute height accuracy of the reference data is estimated 
between 0.25 and 0.35 meters, depending on the nature of the 
surface (natural or man-made). 
The table below summarizes the geometric configurations of the 
acquisitions and the final performances measured (in meters) for 
the best images combination. 
Site Incidences | Nb. Points Bias RMS 
Lisboa -4/10 61 0.17 0.58 
Hobart -2/10/15 69 0.09 0.58 
SteVictoire -13/22 2407 -0.18 0.53 
Melbourne -49...--49 295 0.27 0.49 
We will now focus on the two opposite situations represented 
by Ste Victoire and Melbourne. The first case is a typical 
acquisition configuration over an open landscape, with a wide 
stereo angle aiming at maximizing the geometric accuracy 
without too much care about visibility limitation. The second 
case is a nice test bed for experimentation and quantification of 
the "stereo dilemma" in a dense urban context. 
5.1 Montagne Sainte-Victoire 
A single pair was acquired with a rather wide stereo angle, 
providing a good accuracy on moderate reliefs. The situation is 
more difficult on the south face of the mountain, with a 
concentration of very steep slopes. Locally, we noticed losses of 
resolution, due to a line of sight nearly tangent to the terrain. 
Figure 1 Montagne Sainte Victoire DEM 

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