Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
(2011) and by Hagolle et al. (2010) to build our cloud detection 
system. Following the design of the method by Sedano et al. 
(2011), our method is composed of two steps: seeds are firstly 
extracted and secondly extended during a region-growing 
procedure in order to delineate clouds finely. However, our 
method differs from this latter method in the way to extract 
seeds. We here follow the assumption made by Hagolle et al. 
(2010) and we consider that a high variation of reflectance 
between two images (in time series) is related to the presence of 
a cloud in the scene. 
Our method was originally designed for SPOT5-HRS images, 
mainly because these images are still used in our production 
lines, in particular for the production of the Reference3D® 
database (Bouillon et al., 2006). However, with the advent of 
High-Resolution satellite images such as Geoeye, Worldview 
and Pléiades, it becomes necessary to adapt (at least, to test) the 
existing procedures to these new sensors. With this objective in 
mind, IGN-F is taking part in 2012 in the user's thematic 
commissioning that is conducted by the French Space Agency 
(CNES) and that aims at validating the future products and 
services based on Pléiades. More particularly, we plan to use 
Pléiades images to replay some studies, already carried out 
during the ORFEO!  accompaniment program. These 
experiments will concern: 
* 2D change detection (Champion et al., 2010) (Le- 
Bris and Chehata, 2011) for updating building databases 
* The update of Land Cover / Land Use databases 
(Hermosilla et al., 2011) 
* 3D change detection by comparison of Digital 
Surface Models, computed from satellite images acquired 
at two different dates (Guérin et al., 2012) 
* The 3D reconstruction of buildings (Durupt and 
Taillandier, 2006) (Lafarge et al., 2008) 
* The production of large area seamless orthomosaics 
(Falala et al., 2008) 
* Cloud detection 
In that context, this is also a particular goal of this paper to 
show to which extent and in which way the method presented 
here can be adapted to Pleiades images. 
The remaining of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 
presents input data. Section 3 presents our cloud detection 
method. Section 4 shows the preliminary results that we 
obtained, starting from SPOTS-HRS images. Eventually, 
Section 5 highlights the perspectives related to the use of 
Pleiades time series for detecting clouds. 
Two different kinds of input data are also considered in our 
project: panchromatic SPOTS-HRS images and (in a near 
future) Pléiades images. 
SPOTS-HRS data. As shown in Figure 3 and as detailed in 
(Bouillon et al., 2006), the SPOT5-HRS instrument is composed 
of two telescopes with a viewing angle (along the track) of 20° 
forward and 20° aft. This configuration allows the acquisition of 
single pass stereopairs, with a time delay between 2 images of 
90 seconds and a corresponding Base-to-Height (B/H) ratio of 
about 0.8. The system is featured by a swath of 120 km, a pixel 
GSD of 5 m along the track and 10 m across the track. For our 
| http//smse.cnes. fr/PLEIADES/index.htm. | Last visited: 
project, multi-temporal panchromatic images were acquired. 
That resulted in the availability of time series i.e. a pile of 
images, acquired at different epochs, with an average 
overlapping of 6 images, as depicted in Figure 2. 
To + 90 seconds 
Rear HRS 
max. 600 km 
Figure 3. Acquisition configuration of the SPOTS-HRS 
instrument (Bouillon et al, 2006) 
Pléiades data. Contrary to SPOTS-HRS images, Pléiades 
images are not only panchromatic but have 4 channels: Red, 
Green, Blue and Near Infrared (NIR). In addition, they are 
featured by a ground pixel of 70cm. In our project, we also 
assume to have time series, in a similar way as for SPOT5-HRS 
As introduced in Section 1.2 and as justified and detailed in this 
section, our method is composed of 3 steps: 
* A pre-processing step 
* A seed extraction step 
* A region growing step 
3.1 Pre-processing 
The pre-processing step aims at making the subsequent 
analysis/comparison easier. It consists on the one hand in a 
geometric correction and on the other hand in a radiometric 
Geometric pre-processing. Because our method is based on a 
pixel-to-pixel comparison between the several satellite images 
contained in the time series (See Section 3.2 for more details), 
input satellite images must be co-registered. In our project, 
input satellite images are orthorectified using an in-house DTM 
(Reference3D®). Note that we only use (in the rest of the 
algorithm) the orthophotos generated at this step. It should be 
noted here that the method did not appear to be sensitive to the 
accuracy of the DTM used for orthorectification. Thus, the 
outcomes produced with orthophotos computed with GDEM 
(Global Digital Elevation Model, derived from ASTER images 
through stereo-matching algorithms) are not significantly 
different from the outcomes based on the Reference3D or 
SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DTMs, even 
though these two latter DTMs are known to have a better 
accuracy (in altimetry) than GDEM. 
Radiometric pre-processing. In addition to this geometric 
correction and because the comparison (detailed in Section 3.2) 
is made on a radiometrical basis, input data must be 
radiometrically corrected. For that purpose, we followed the 
recommendations found in (Lillesand et al., 2008) 
In the two following sections, we propose to describe the two 
steps involved in our cloud detection approach: the seed 

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