Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
scalability to images size and number of bands of most 
algorithms, thanks to native parallel and on the flow processing. 
The most straightforward way of using the Orfeo ToolBox is to 
write C++ processing chain on top of it, while being guided by 
the extensive developer-oriented documentation OTB Soft 
Guide (0TB development team, 2011a). However, there are 
other lesser known means to use it, dedicated to non- 
The first one is to use the OTB Applications framework. It is a 
set of applications plugins that can be accessed through 
command-line, standalone QT graphical user interface, higher- 
level coding languages such as Python for instance, and plugins 
for the QGIS software (Quantum GIS, www.qgis.org). This 
framework can be easily extended in two ways : first, one can 
very easily write new application plugins and access them 
through all the mentioned means, and second, one can easily 
use the application plugin interface to integrate all the available 
plugins into his own software environment. 
The second and most end-user oriented mean to access OTB 
functionalities is to use Monteverdi, an integrated software for 
everyday life image manipulation and analysis task, which gives 
access to some of the most popular functionalities in OTB. 
Originally intended as a support for remote sensing training 
course and capacity building, Monteverdi has gained a lot of 
interest from the end-users community as a complete FOSS 
tool. Figures 1 and 2 show an example of processing module 
available in Monteverdi. Both the applications plugins and 
Monteverdi are thoroughly documented (OTB development 
team, 2011b). 
$9 Q Feature Extraction Application: {4 bancs , 16976, 72651} 
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Figure 1. Monteverdi features extraction module 
3.2 What can be done with Orfeo ToolBox ? 
Being a rich and modular algorithms library, it is difficult to 
make a complete list of available functionalities. This section 
will present the most popular and useful. OTB can do all the 
basic image manipulation tasks: read, write, convert, rescale, 
resample, and extracts parts of remote sensing data. It can also 
perform basic pre-processing tasks like ortho-rectification, 
radiometric calibration or pan-sharpening. But the richness of 
Orfeo ToolBox lies in image processing: common processing 
tasks like thresholding, band-algebra, or Fourier and wavelets 
transforms, features extraction and segmentation, vectorization, 
classification and change detection, all including state-of-the-art 
Figure 2. Monteverdi viewer on simulated Pleiades images 
Being a rich and modular algorithms library, it is difficult to 
make a complete list of available functionalities. This section 
will present the most popular and useful. OTB can do all the 
basic image manipulation tasks: read, write, convert, rescale, 
resample, and extracts parts of remote sensing data \Idots It can 
also perform basic pre-processing tasks like ortho-rectification, 
radiometric calibration or pan-sharpening. But the richness of 
Orfeo ToolBox lies in image processing: common processing 
tasks like thresholding, band-algebra, or Fourier and wavelets 
transforms, features extraction and segmentation, vectorization, 
classification and change detection, all including state-of-the-art 
A send : s 5 A eei 
Figure 3. Example of Orfeo ToolBox algorithm results: 
MAD/MAF analysis (Nielsen et al., 2010) on a pair of 4 bands 
Worldview2 images of Cannes, France. 
For example, Figure 3 shows the result of Multivariate 
Alteration Detection and Maximum Autocorrelation Factor 
change detection analysis (Nielsen et al., 2010) performed by 
OTB on a pair of 4 bands registered WorldView-2 images, 
while Figure 4 shows the results of pan-sharpening and Line 
Segment Detection (von Gioi et al., 2010} both performed by 
OTB on a Quickbird image. Advanced methodologies like 
Object Base 
also availab 
Figure 4. E 
sharpening : 
of Toulouse, 
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