International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
main orientation statistics.
(b) District 2
00 5
(a) District 1
Figure 5 Main orientations for districts in Fig 4
4.2 Building outline modelling
Refer to Fig. 1, the building outline modelling include several
main steps: corner detection, main orientation estimation, line
modelling, etc. Main orientation derived from line connecting
between corners by angle nearest neighbouring. Building model
is defined as a polygon, which is described by corners but
actually generated by line model.
Corner detection:
Edges are directly detected as the pixels on the contour of the
buildings. For better understanding of the shape and better
feature extraction, the contour edges of a building are
transferred to a curve of it. Corner is defined as the points with
local maximal curvature of the curve (Mokhtarian 1998).
Line representation:
A line segment is represented by a line equation
y=kx+b (1)
k = tan(0),0 = {a, B} @)
The slope & is initialized as the one of the connecting line
between two sequential corners c(i) and c(i+1) - Midpoint
p,(i) separates the line into two segments with respective
midpoints p (i) and p, (i). The three midpoints are employed
to refine the location and model of the line. The intercept b is
calculated by the midpoint coordinates of p, G) and slope &.
Line refining algorithm:
When the main orientation angle is determined, the lines must
be rearranged to subject to the orientation, parallel or
perpendicular. The model parameters should be recalculated.
The location of the lines will be adjusted in this process to fit
the edge of the image better. For the RGB image, the edges
under the DSM building mask are easily detected by the
gradient. But the best edge is searched along the direction
perpendicular with the line to make the three midpoints have
maximal gross gradient. After that, the refined midpoints are
used to compute the modelled line parameter 5b when k is
determined according to the distance to the pair of the main
orientation af
Line merging and generating:
Neighbouring parallel line segments 1(1): y = k(i)x + b(i) and
[(i+1):y=k(i+1)x+b(i +1) within certain distance (5
pixels here) are reunited into a single segment /(;) , whose
intercept h(i) is re-calculated according to updated midpoint
Pp, (i) which is re-located by the average of the original two
midpoints Pol) and p, G1) and re-refined according to the
refining algorithm. The numbers of the following lines after
i+1 are reduced by 1.
For two neighbouring parallel line segments (i) and /(i +1)
beyond this distance, a new line segment is inserted as I(i 4-1)
which is perpendicular with them. Other segments' indexes are
increased by 1. The inserted segment equation will be
y - k(i - 1)x t b(i - 1), where equation (3) should be
k(i - Dk(i) 2 -1 (3)
b(i+1) is decide by the midpoint py ^1) which is initialized
by the average of the two midpoints of the original parallel
segments and refined according to the refining algorithm.
Polygon representation
A building then is represented by a polygon with the refined
corners as the vertices. They are calculated by the intersections
of the neighbouring modelled lines.
Besides of datal, a large set of data of Tokyo naming data2 was
worked and some of the results are displayed in Fig. 6 and Fig.
7. Fig. 6 (a)-(c) shows the results in several stages of the
algorithm for a dense residential area. There is one class
detected and one main orientation estimated. For comparison,
Fig. 6 (d) shows the polygons modelled once at a time. Due to
less of samples for orientation estimation, the building polygons
hardly match the real houses and display random errors. The
comparison of the obviously wrong orientation (over 10 degree
deviation) for the singly modelled result with proposed one is
listed in Tab. 1 for datal and data2.
Datal Data2
Group 9 1
Single 55 16
Table 1 Orientation errors
We also compared the models derived automatically
using our algorithms with that made manually and display
them superimposed in Fig. 6 (e). Some buildings on the
four edges of the image sample are not extracted or not
entirely modelled, because of the modelling algorithm
doesn't consider this situation. For the houses wholly
display in the image, the locations are highly correct and
the outline shapes are very fitting. There are totally 186
houses which can be recognized from this area. Only one
was not extracted. Among 169 with whole shape and
close to whole shape buildings, there are 6 models have
area error lower than 80%, where 4 models locate at the
edges and have close to whole shapes. There are 4 models
have are error lower than 90%. Most edges of the houses
deviate 1 to 3 pixels. For better visualization effect the
corners and models of a patch of this area are illustrated
in Fig. 7.
For evaluation, the numbers of correctly extracted
houses and correctly modelled houses were counted, as in
Tab. 2. A house with more than half its shape is taken as a
whole house. There is some false merging occurring in
the left part of data 1, where large buildings and small
houses are mixed. This is caused by NDSM generation