Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
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frame number 
Figure 2: Pseudospectrum: accumulator derivatives D,, s(k). 
As you can see, quadruplicate difference of multiple accumula- 
tors 4 - D, 2(k) is a partially convex function on the segment of 
the signal presence. This maximum is single and equal to /, more- 
over, it is reached on the frame with number 2n (if this maximum 
can be reached at all). 
Thus, first order regression derivatives behaviour with multiple 
memory length recalls spectral decomposition, or rather signal 
wavelet transformation. Let us call a multiple-regression pseu- 
dospectrum — set of differences of first-order regressive accumu- 
lators (7) with multiple characteristics of memory length by a 
sequence of powers of two: 1,2,4,8,... (view Figure 2). This 
pseudospectrum allows to qualitatively and quantitatively investi- 
gate both the duration and amplitude of the input time signal such 
as “meander.” 
If the maximum of differences between the responses has been 
consistently achieved for all accumulators with memory length 
N, but for accumulator with memory length n = N +1 predicted 
signal maximum was not reached, it means that a constant input 
signal had a length of 2N frames, and then began to decrease or 
was otherwise dramatically changed. 
Similarly, we can make conclusions about the magnitude of the 
signal. Cause Dy, 2(2n) = 0.251, for all n whose maximum was 
1=4Dnal2n). (9) 
Expected maximum value of Dy 2(k) can be easily found, for 
example, for n = 1. Further it should be compared with the 
value of differences between accumulators Dj, 2(k) for other n 
until maximum on frame k — 2m will be less than all previous 
maximums for n « m. 
Now consider the problem of determining the sensitivity thresh- 
old of the algorithm, detecting the changes of brightness in im- 
ages. Figure 3 shows the shape of multiple-regression pseudospec- 
trum for the case of shorter time of signal presence on the image 
Apparently, for lesser duration of the signal, lower frequency 
components of pseudospectrum start to move in the negative di- 
rection from higher initial values (after a reaction to the passage 
of the front edge of the signal) and thus achieve the appropriate 
extremum (in this case it will be minimum) at values lower in 
magnitude than the specified threshold, based on the expected 
drop estimate (8). Figure 3 illustrates it well by the function 
D16,2(k) (the lowest frequency component of the presented pseu- 
dospectrum). However, this problem can be solved if we jointly 
consider a pair of consecutive pseudospectrum components. 
Consider previous Dg,2(k) to D16,2(k) pseudospectrum compo- 
nent on Figure 3. Since its response to input signal change is 
we. Signal | 
AD. 460 
4D, 300 
3D, 409 
4D s sk) 
Threshold Y 
I— Threshold 2 
pue nh memi n ns Mm e es e aee nae an n v eR, Threshold 2' i 
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4 3 flame number a 150 
Figure 3: Dynamic brightness threshold correction based on 
much faster, it crosses the zero line much earlier, according to 
signal disappearance. At this point, the value of current D16,2(k) 
component still significantly greater than zero. This value (the 
value of the D16,2(k) pseudospectrum component when preced- 
ing component Dg.2(k) crosses zero line) is proposed to mem- 
orize for each pixel and then to use in dynamic corrections to 
the threshold that detects brightness changes. As shown in Fig- 
ure 3, detection of the back front of the signal with the threshold 
with dynamic correction is successful even in case of significantly 
short, compared with the characteristic time of accumulation of 
this pseudospectrum component, input signal. 
Analysis of the introduced multiple-regression pseudospectrums 
is particularly useful in the case of image analysis that studies 
moving objects or left/missing items. Since, on the one hand, the 
object's motion relative to the background due to the effect of 
image pixels obstruction generates in each individual pixel tem- 
poral "meander" signal, which has clearly defined leading and 
trailing edges (brightness fluctuations over time). On the other 
hand, the possibility of signal analysis based on the difference 
between the accumulators with multiple memory lets you signifi- 
cantly decrease processing time of machine vision systems. Since 
estimates of the time signal characteristics must be obtained in- 
dependently for each image pixel, in the case of using more com- 
plex statistics than the accumulated sums, the necessity to cal- 
culate the corresponding parameters estimates of the time signal 
directly leads to a huge increase of either computation time, or 
use of the program memory, or both. 
In this section we introduce the algorithmic scheme, which in- 
cludes image preprocessing, motion detection and object track- 
Objects detection and tracking are implemented as a modular 
three-stage procedure: 
I. Detection of moving pixel groups based on pseudospectrum 
2. Forming of object hypotheses and interframe object track- 
3. Spatiotemporal filtration of object motion parameters. 
Let us consider first and second stages of this procedure. 
Detection of moving pixel groups is performed as follows: 

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