Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

lume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
nd. Thus, this mentioned re- 
sible. Bundler automatically 
iation based on a small num- 
mage size). It detects natural 
ow one pixel in image space 
est applications as well. The 
id demonstrate that the post 
le. PMVS provides a patch- 
ts from Bundler to create a 
Based on a extended multi- 
ases the number of points to 
ith given image sequence of 
] orientation and computed 3D 
ise point cloud 
ller and PMVS2 
ccuracy is comparable with 
.1). However, illustrated re- 
one image pair. Because of 
/ of all following images in- 
| values (w,®,K) are worst in 
cause for this effect is a clus- 
ages, homologous points are 
in only one region of the im- 
rs can not be computed with 
ppagation, successive image 
Detected and stored feature 
ive orientation between two 
ling images could be linked 
se estimation. One possible 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
| parameter I mean standard deviation for 36 frames ] 
Table 4: Mean accuracy of relative orientation between one im- 
age pair 
x [SE [N|= 
implementation is discussed in (Davison, 2003) and (Davison et 
al., 2007). It is an advanced model of VSLAM with an Extended 
Kalman Filter (EKF). At the moment, our work does not support 
a prediction and SLAM algorithm. Nevertheless first results and 
existing works demonstrate the potential of this method, which 
we strive to develop further. 
First results of this pilot study show the feasibility of theoretical 
background and it is worthwhile to pursue this approach further. 
A vision based method can estimates a position of a forest har- 
vester with an adequate accuracy. Especially the post-processing 
approach delivers stable and precise results. The Pose estima- 
tion results below one cm in experiments using post and real time 
processing exceed the expectations and form the basis for fur- 
ther research. Furthermore, the achieved results meet accuracy 
requirements of about 15cm, i.e. half of a tire width, for for- 
est navigation to avoid soil compression. Influences on accuracy, 
such as strong wind and fast movements, have not been analyzed 
yet. The calculated point cloud of Bundler and PMVS2 can be 
used to create a virtual forest. Current approaches for automatic 
tree detection ((Heurich and Weinacker, 2004),(Schilling et al., 
2011)) for laser scanner data can be applied on this data. In this 
context, another possible navigational aid could be a virtual for- 
est model in which cylinders have been fitted to appropriate point 
cloud subregions. Assuming all trees of this virtual forest have at 
least 2D coordinates, a camera on a harvester and a corresponding 
software have to solve the assignment of trees in object and image 
space and could compute their position by spatial resection. 
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