Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

lume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
ictural lines extraction. The 
ation, Speeded Up Robust 
bined for block adjustment. 
1 image space are extracted 
tilt displacement of image 
rity measurement. Finally, 
ages are acquired by a non- 
he accuracy of orientation 
| matching is more flexible 
approaches consider the 
ints simultaneously. The 
| image point of the master 
jugate points are obtained 
oint of the master image is 
n the contrary, the object- 
| point in the object space. 
ed to the image spaces and 
window will be calculated. 
is not fixed in the object- 
be a point or a line. The 
' Which can provide more 
‘e. As most of the façades, 
posed of straight lines, the 
the façade reconstruction 
mn the line matching for 
et al, (1999) employs 
ng of aerial images based 
etric similarity. McIntosh 
me lidar data and aerial 
gital surface model. The 
raints like epipolar lines, 
f gray value surround line. 
rrestrial lidar and images 
le reconstruction. Lidar 
e provides linear features. 
le to modelling the fagade 
re images is a challenging 
le variety of close-range 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
images is quite large when compared to airborne vertical 
images. Moreover, relief displacement caused by façade 
structure is relatively large when the images are taken from 
different look directions. Consequently, image matching cannot 
find the conjugated feature correctly or find it incompletely. 
The aim of this paper is to solve these problems. This paper 
uses a coarse building model (ie. LOD 2 building model 
without façade structure) to overcome the problem of scale and 
tilt displacement in object-based matching. We correct the 
distortion of close-range images using wall of LOD-2. 
Moreover, multi-view and multi-widow matching strategies are 
proposed to improve the reliability of image matching. 
Figure 1(a) shows an example of a window taken by a hand- 
held camera. The tilt displacement of window is caused by 
different camera stations while the relief displacement is caused 
by the depth of window. The boxes in Figure l(a) indicate 
matrixes for image matching. The gray values of the matrixes 
are different and may affect the correctness of matching. The 
corrected images are shown as Figure 1(b). This paper uses 
LOD 2 building model to correct the image displacement for 
matching. The red boxes in Figure 1(b) indicate the corrected 
matrixes for image matching. The selection of red box is better 
than yellow box in Figure l(a) as it is able to improve the 
similarity between images. 
(a) original images for matching 
(b) corrected images matching 
Figure 1. An example of a façade structure from original and 
corrected images. 
The objective of this paper is to extract the façade structure 
using multiple close-range images and LOD 2 building model. 
In order to improve the level of detail of building models, this 
research develops a façade linear extraction procedure using 
multi-image matching. The major works are orientation 
determination, line extraction, multiple images matching, and 
3D line regression. In orientation determination, Speeded Up 
Robust Features (SURF) is applied to extract tie points 
automatically. Then, the tie points and control points are 
combined for block adjustment. The line extraction combines 
canny edge detector and Hough transform to obtain 2D straight 
line in image space. In multiple images matching, the multiple 
images are projected to LOD 2 building using different depths. 
Then, the multiple windows are generated based on the target 
features. The average of normalized cross correlation is 
calculated from all object images. Finally, a least squares line 
regression is used to obtain 3D façade structural lines. 
The proposed method includes four major parts: (1) orientation 
determination, (2) generation of linear feature, (3) multiple 
images matching, and (4) generation of 3D line. The workflow 
of the proposed method is shown in Figure 2. The explanations 
of each step are stated as follows. 
LOD 2 building Close range 
model images 
; ; : Interior 
Orientation modelling va orientation files / 
Line extraction 
Multiple Images 
3D line regression 
structural lines 
Figure 2. Flowchart of proposed method. 
2.1 Orientation Modelling 
Assume that the interior orientation parameters are available. 
Orientation modelling establishes the relationship between 
multiple close-range images using tie points and control points. 
Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) (Bay et al, 2006) is 
applied in automatic tie point extraction as it can overcome the 
scale and rotation effects between close-range images. Then, a 
large number of automatic-extracted tie points and sparse of 
manual-measured control points are integrated in bundle block 
adjustment. As the mismatching is unavoidable in tie point 
matching, the tie points with large positioning error are 
removed iteratively in bundle block adjustment. 
2.2 Line Extraction 
Canny edge detector (Canny, 1986) and Hough transform 
(Hough, 1962) are used to extract the line features on building 
facades. Canny edge detector extracts edges by pixel gradient 
and double thresholds. After the Canny edge detector, the edges 
of all objects such as the facade texture, trees and surface 
features in the image are extracted. In order to specify the 
facade structures in huge amount of edges, Hough transform is 
applied to extract the straight lines. Hough transform converts 
each pixel of edges into parametric space, where all pixels are 
represented as curves. The peak of accumulated curves 
represents the location of the line which appears most of the 
times that is the significant straight lines of all edges. 
2.3 Object-based Multiple Image Matching 
The highly overlapped close-range images provides favourable 
geometrical configuration with high redundancy. The high 
similarity between contiguous stereo images is beneficial to the 
reliable image matching. Hence, the 3D features generated from 
image matching have a great potential in 3D modelling. The 
aim of multiple image matching is to consider all the available 
images for similarity measurement simultaneously. The 
advantage is not only to increase the measurement from 
different views, but also to ensure the correctness of matching. 
There are two ways to perform multiple image matching. The 
first one is an image-based method which utilizes the idea of 
pass point between overlapped images. The matched points on 
the first stereo pair are passed to the next stereo pair to ensure 
the correctness. This process will stop when the matched points 
meet the end of the image strips. The second method is an 

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