Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
object-based method that starts from a set of hypothesis planes 
in object space. These planes are back projected to different 
images. Then, each plane is filled with the gray values from an 
image. Finally, a similarity index is calculated to find the best 
hypothesis planes. Comparing these two methods, the first one 
is a sequential processing while the second one is a 
simultaneous processing. Hence, this research selects the 
second method for multiple image matching. 
In order to generate reasonable hypothesis planes in object 
space, we use a LOD 2 building model to provide the initial 
location of facade structure. Besides that, we also have the 
facade feature from line extraction. The object-based multiple 
image matching is implemented by selecting a feature in the 
master image. Then, we use the line-of-sight of the selected 
feature and LOD 2 building model to derive the intersection 
point. This intersection point is the initial location of façade 
structure. À number of rectangles in different depths are then 
generated based on this initial location. These rectangles are 
back-projected to images and resampled the gray value. Finally, 
a number of corrected image chips are generated for further 
process. Figure 3 illustrates the idea of object-based matching. 
CI to C6 denote camera stations. The blue rectangles indicate 
the hypothesis planes while the red and green lines are the line- 
of-sight. These hypothesis planes are along the line-of-sight of 
the master image. 
Figure 3. Illustration of object-based matching. 
The next step calculates the matching scores from the corrected 
image chips. The matching score is based on normalized cross 
correlation (NCC) (Schenk, 1999). A number of NCCs is 
calculated between the master and slave images at a certain 
depth. Then, average NCC (AvgNCC) is obtained by equation 
(1) in different depths. The AvgNCC indicates the similarity 
between the corrected image chips at a certain depth. We get 
different AvgNCCs by changing the depth along the line-of- 
sight. Finally, we choose the maximum correlation as the best 
hypothesis planes. 
NCC(, wind ave(i ) 
2 Me Slave(i) ( 1 ) 
depth = 
Where, Iyer and Ig. are the master and slave corrected image 
chips; 7 is the number of slave image; AvgNCC is average NCC. 
Figure 4 is an example of multiple image matching. Figure 4(a) 
shows 5 original images. Due to the relief displacement of 
facade structures, these images look different from different 
views. The red box indicates the master window for matching. 
We use different depths to generate the hypothesis planes and 
the corrected image chips in object space as shown as Figure 
4(b) The corrected image chips may correct the tilt 
displacement of image. Then, the AvgNCC is calculated at 
different depths as shown as Figure 4(c). In this example, the 
maximum AvgNCC is located at -1.2m after the wall of LOD 2 
building model. 
th=2m, AvgNCC=0.6 
(b) corrected image for 
matching in different depths 
(c) Average of NCC in different depths 
Figure 4. An example of multiple image matching 
(d) structural lines in different 
Figure 5. Different matching methods for a line 
(c) edge matching 
There are three possibilities to do the matching for a line. The 
first one only performs matching on the two endpoints of a line. 
The matching area is shown as Figure 5(a). A 3D line can be 
reconstructed by 3D endpoints. Multiple image matching is a 
time consuming process. The advantage of endpoints matching 
may save the computation time; but, the endpoint should be a 
well-defined endpoint without occlusion. The second strategy 
performs matching on a line. The matching window of a line is 
shown as Figure 5(b). The advantage is that it can cover the 
whole gray value of a line for matching. The last one is an edge 
matching, which means, we divide a line into a set of edge's 
points. Then, we use every point on the edge for matching. 
Figure 5(c) shows the idea of edge matching. Comparing the 

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