Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

ne XXXIX-B3, 2012 
age matching. Figure 4(a) 
e relief displacement of 
different from different 
er window for matching. 
he hypothesis planes and 
pace as shown as Figure 
may correct the tilt 
‚VgNCC is calculated at 
l(c). In this example, the 
n after the wall of LOD 2 
he master window) 
-1.2m, AvgNCC-0.9 
2m, AvgNCC=0.6 
corrected image for 
hing in different depths 
ferent depths 
le image matching 
ructural lines in different 
nethods for a line 
matching for a line. The 
e two endpoints of a line. 
e 5(a). A 3D line can be 
iple image matching is a 
ze of endpoints matching 
the endpoint should be a 
ion. The second strategy 
ching window of a line is 
| is that it can cover the 
g. The last one is an edge 
line into a set of edge's 
| the edge for matching. 
natching. Comparing the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
line and edge matching, the former can only handle 3D lines 
that are parallel to a wall as the hypothesis plane is parallel to a 
wall. The latter is suitable for 3D lines in different directions. 
Figure 5(d) shows two examples of structural lines in different 
2.4 3D Line Fitting 
For endpoints matching and line matching, we can directly 
generate 3D lines in object space. However, for edge points 
matching, a number of 3D points are generated after the 
multiple images matching. There are two major steps in line 
regression. In the first step, we use Random Sample Consensus 
(RANSAC) to obtain the collinear points in object space. The 
advantage of RANSAC is to remove the outliers in 3D line 
fiting. We iteratively and randomly select two points to 
calculate the line parameters, i.e. direction and starting points of 
a line. Then, we find the maximum cluster in parameter space. 
The maximum cluster represents the collinear points. In the 
second step, we use least square adjustment to calculate the 
optimal lines. Figure 6 is an example of 3D line regression. The 
red circles are the 3D points from matching. The blue line is the 
extracted line. 
Figure 6. An example of 3D line fitting from 3D points 
The test data are multiple close-range images taken by Nikon 
D2X camera. The target is a fagade of a building. The average 
image scale is about 1/3000. The base-to-depth ratio between 
the two camera stations is about 1/10. The LOD 2 building 
model is generated from 1/5000 aerial images. The estimated 
accuracy of the building model is about 30cm. Table 1 is the 
related information of the test images. 
Table 1. Related information of test images 
Date 2011/3/29 
Camera Nikon D2X 
Number of image 33 
Image size(pixel) 4288x2848 
CCD size(um) 5.5 
Focal length(mm) 18 
Spatial resolution(mm) 6 
Overlap (%) 90 
3.1 Orientation modelling 
The automatic image matching has generated 2515 tie points. 
Among these tie points, 2166 points is the intersection of two 
rays, the remaining points is the intersection of three or more 
rays. Figure 7(a) shows four images with matched points. The 
control and check points are collected by a total station. The 
number of control and check points are 4 and 26 points, 
respectively. The mean error of check points in three directions 
are 3.3, 5.2 and 2.6 cm, respectively. The RMSE of check 
points in three directions are 4.1, 4.5 and 1.8 cm, respectively. 
As the Y direction is the look direction of the camera, the error 
in Y direction is larger than the other directions. Figure 7(b) 
shows the distribution of camera stations. The yellow points in 
Figure 7(b) are the object points intersected from tie points. 
(b) perspective view of camera station and 3D points 
Figure 7. Results of orientation modelling 
3.2 Comparison of Line-based and Endpoints Matching 
In order to compare the line-based matching and endpoints 
matching for linear features, we selected a window as a target 
area for comparison. The target area is about 3.5m by 3.5m in 
object space. A close-range image is selected as the master 
image. The linear features on master image are manually 
digitized at the boundaries of window. The green lines in Figure 
8(a) are the digitized lines. Figure 8(a) also shows the shape of 
the target window in object space. The digitized line on the 
master image is ray-tracing to the wall of LOD-2 building 
model, then, back project to other images to find the slave 
images. Six slave images are automatically selected out of 32 
images. The depth for AvgNCC is ranged from -2m to +2m 
with the step of 0.05m. The window size for matching is 
0.21cm by 0.21 cm. 
Figure 8(b) is the perspective view of matched lines in object 
space by endpoints matching. The straight lines on the window 
are deformed after the matching. The endpoints matching only 
consider the vertices of a line. Hence, The lack of information 
caused the distortion of 3D lines. It is especially true when the 
vertex of a line is occluded by other objects. Figure 8(c) is the 
perspective view of matched lines in object space by line 
matching. The results of line-based matching are better than 
endpoints matching. The shape of extracted lines is more 
regular when compared to the results of endpoint matching. A 
few incorrect lines located at the bottom of the window are 
caused by self-occlusion. 

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