Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

me XXXIX-B3. 2012 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
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and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Free-Form Linear 
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Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(2):189-197. 
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Complex Patterns, U.S. Patent 3,069,654. 
McIntosh, K. and Krupnik, A., 2002. Integration of Laser- 
Derived DSMs and Matched Image Edges for Generating an 
Accurate Surface Model. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & 
Remote Sensing 56: 167-176. 
Pu, S. and Vosselman, G., 2009. Building Façade 
Reconstruction by Fusing Terrestrial Laser Points and Images. 
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1 and line-based matching Schenk, T., 1999. Digital Photogrammetry, TerraScience, 
: line-based) Laurelville, Ohio, 428 p. 
Zhang, L. and Gruen, A., 2006. Multi-image Matching for DSM 
Generation from IKONOS Imagery, ISPRS Journal of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 60(3): 195-211. 
iverage NCC and depth 
ctracted line. 
id line-based matchings 
feasible scheme to obtain 
-based multiple images 
the orientation modeling 
coarse building model is 
nt of the façade structure. 
irement between images. 
imultaneously considered 
e NCC (AvgNCC). The 
> the highest correlation 
targets for line matching 
; points, and line. The 
matching is better than 
cluded by other objects. 
cessing of high similarity 
façade usually have high 
ymetric, radiometric and 
ges matching. 
ported by the National 
oject number NSC 100- 
nan, A., Fitzgibbon, A., 
1 3D Reconstruction of 
ternational Archives of 
pp. 69-80. 

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