Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Jaan-Rong Tsay ® *, Ming-Shiuan Lee" 
* Dept. of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University, 70101 Tainan, Taiwan - tsayjr@mail.ncku.edu.tw 
? Dept. of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University, 70101 Tainan, Taiwan - evenif0901@msn.com 
Commission III, WG III/1 / 
KEY WORDS: SIFT, Dense Matching, Quality Filtering (QF), Aerotriangulation, Point Cloud 
This paper presents a new method for dense point cloud matching and aero triangulation based on the well-known scale invariant 
feature transform (SIFT) technique. The modern digital cameras can take high resolution aerial images with high end lap between 
contiguous images in a strip and, if needed, also with high side lap between images on neighboring strips. Therefore, automation on 
image matching for generation of high density of 3D object points becomes applicable. A new method is thus developed to perform 
the processing. Moreover, it can do an aero triangulation and automatic tie point measurement without the need on the input data 
such as block and strip data for providing image overlap information. In order to increase the effectiveness of the method for 
simultaneously processing a large number of aerial images with large image format in a block area, both schemes of Quality 
Filtering (QF) and Affine Transformation Prediction (AFTP) are proposed for automatic tie point extraction and measurement with a 
better and satisfactory efficiency. Tests are done by using aerial images taken with the RMK DX camera in Taiwan. Also, high 
precision ground check points are adopted to evaluate the quality of the results. They show that a high density of 3D object points 
are extracted and determined. Furthermore, the automatic tie point selection and measurement is done efficiently even under the 
circumstance that no priori-knowledge on image overlap is available. Also, ground check points show that the accuracy of photo 
coordinates is 0.21 pixels, namely it reaches a subpixel level. 
1. INTRODUCTION The SGM method is very well-known in the field of computer 
vision, and used for finding corresponding pixels in a pair of 
One of the up-to-date issues in photogrammetry is dense images or multiple ones. It assumes the image orientation data 
matching, especially pixelwise matching of aerial images. and the information of image overlapping are known. In 
Matching results provided by local stereo matching methods photogrammetry, unknowns of image orientations and object 
like Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) and Least Square coordinates can be solved by bundle block adjustment, which is 
Image Matching (LSIM) are in general not reliable enough. — a primary process of geomatic data acquisition (Heipke, 1997). 
Global matching (GM) of highly overlapping images increases To further increase the degree of automation of modern aerial 
the reliability, but its computational complexity is too high. The triangulation and geomatic data acquisition, this paper proposes 
commercial software Photosynth/Geosynth by Microsoft a new method based on SIFT for dense point cloud matching 
Corporation utilized the GM technique for dense matching and without the need on any image overlap information. 
stitching pictures together, with Virtual Earth, encouraging 
businesses to combine the two technologies (Computerworld, 2. METHOD 
2012). In order to reduce the runtime of GM, the German 
Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2.1 Main Processing Phases 
DLR) developed the semiglobal matching (SGM) method. Both 
SGM and its extensions are described in typical publications To take a more compatible architecture into account, a scale 
like (Hirschmueller, 2008 and 2011). They are adopted by the and rotation invariant method is selected for automatic tie point 
commercial software 3D RealityMaps to perform accurate and measurements, namely the well-known scale invariant feature 
reliable dense point cloud matching, and are useful for many transform (SIFT) technique. SIFT belongs to the class of 
applications like 3D reconstruction of object surfaces, feature-based matching, and includes two main processing 
especially on local surfaces with occlusions, edges, fine ^ phases — keypoint extraction and keypoint matching (Lowe, 
structures, and low or repetitive textures (Siegert, 2011; ^ 2004). Keypoint extraction includes Gaussian filtering and 
RealityMaps, 2012). computation of DoG (Difference of Gaussian) at different 
image pyramid level to detect the extreme values. Those pixels 
For example, the pixelwise, Mutual Information (MI)-based with these extreme values are selected keypoints, described by 
matching cost is used for compensating radiometric differences means of a descriptor defined by a 128 dimensional vector. 
of input images. The method offers a very good trade off ^ Then keypoint matching is simply to calculate the Euclidean 
between runtime and accuracy, particularly at object borders. ^ distances from one keypoint descriptor on the left image to 
SGM has participated in several tests and evaluations. The ^ another keypoint descriptors on the right image, i.e. a pair of 
Middlebury stereo pages (Scharstein and Szeliski, 2011) images at one time. If the distance ratio (the shortest Euclidean 
currently list 108 stereo methods. The consistent SGM that is distance divided by the second short one) is smaller than the 
modified for structured indoor scenes has a Rank of 30 and an threshold, then the keypoint is matched. Thus, the one on the 
average error of 5.8%. left image is matched to another one on the right image. 
Otherwise, the matching for this keypoint on the left image fails. 
* Corresponding author. This is useful to know for communication with the appropriate person in cases with more than one author. 
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