Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
ume XXXIX-B3, 2012 | 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
d 71 known high precision RMS coordinates of image points extracted and matched by the 
alidation. The efficiency of y y y y proposed new method reaches a subpixel level and the accuracy 
ompared to the commercial New 0.8 12 SS > of aerial triangulation is +1.5um = £0.21 pixels. The skip rate is 
010. The latter provides method : S s 1.0876. 
LPS 2010 1.8 17 7.2 7.5 
(a) residuals of photo coordinates ( x , y ) 
sed on least-squared image 
x 5 standard tie points per Also, the efficiency and benefit of AFTP and QF processing 
ber of N-fold tie points 
[FT-supported dense point 
S/ERDAS Imagine 2010. 
rovide denser cloud of tie 
S/ERDAS Imagine 2010. 
4 5 6 
712 | 3415 | 1211 
230.1: 231 | 238 
RMS (mm) MAX(mm) 
VX Vy Vz | Yx | | vv | | vz | 
Soie 11 8 112 17 11 142 
LPS 2010 21 2 188 32 3 142 
(b) residuals of ground coordinates (X, Y, Z) of 6 GCPs 
10.] 11:|.12 |. 13 1 14 
164 | 98 | 80 | 63 | 24 
RMS (mm) RMS (1/1000 gon) 
Gx óy, Gu 65 ó Gy 
method 70 67 103 4.1 3.9 0.4 
661 371221127 8 
al number of tie points 
old tie points 
nber of Skip Rate 
ipped (Unit: %) 
2548 1.08 
174 1.79 
Value Redundancy 
1.05 193965 
1.00 14371 
stments done by the new 
by means of free network 
in Table 6, where the test 
'acy divided by posteriori 
od provides the denser tie 
curacy à, = +1.5um = 
t with control data is 
ints and 65 independent 
:d. The statistic figures of 
he tie points measured by 
and by the commercial 
7. The root mean square 
s on all 65 check points 
he new method have the 
rtical accuracy +11.9cm. 
thod is available to aerial 
and good efficiency. 
eed any information on 
v method don’t need the 
ters and strip parameters 
nmercial AT softwares. 
LPS 2010 123 121 166 7.9 7.2 0.9 
(c) posteriori standard deviations of exterior orientation data 
RMS (mm) 
X Y Z 
method 28 19 119 
LPS 2010 31 20 214 
(d) ground coordinate differences on 65 check points 
Table 7. Results of bundle block adjustments done by the new 
method and LPS2010 
Although the commercial solutions (e.g. Bundler, pix4d.com. 
acute3d.com) are out there which do almost exactly what is 
proposed in this paper, namely they use SIFT or an equivalent 
detector/descriptor scheme to match an unorganized set of 
images in unknown configuration, and orient them, this paper 
was developed in the work of a master thesis in NCKU, and 
proposes an alternative method for dense point cloud matching 
and aero triangulation based on the well-known scale invariant 
feature transform (SIFT) technique. Test results verify some 
advantages of this method. The proposed QF operation reserves 
those key points with best image quality, e.g. in the top 16% of 
all key points. This method uses AFTP to estimate the overlap 
area, and to predict the location of searching window. In order 
to increase the computational efficiency, image pyramid with a 
top level image of about 700 x 700 pixels is adopted. The 
automatic extraction, selection and measurement of 
corresponding tie points is done efficiently, especially without 
the need on block parameters and strip parameters for providing 
priori knowledge on image overlap information. Moreover, the 
density of key points depends not only on the distance ratio 
threshold of SIFT but also on the amount of image information 
as well as image quality. 
Tests are done by using 108 aerial images. They show that 
operation with both QF and AFTP provides better matching 
efficiency and best matching with lowest rate of skipped points, 
when distance ratio is set to the threshold less than 0.3. In 
general, the larger the distance ratio is, more points are matched 
per second, but the more the skipped points become. Due to the 
robustness of bundle block adjustment with data snooping 
operation, the skipped, namely inaccurate, points can be 
detected and eliminated. Furthermore, the accuracy of photo 
have been verified. These two pre-process procedures still can 
be further improved on efficiency and feasibility, especially the 
quality indicator for QF. Moreover, some extension versions of 
the semiglobal matching (SGM) will be further developed in the 
future to perform a robust pixelwise matching with quality 
figures. Their applications such as on high resolution true ortho 
image generation, high resolution and high precision digital 
surface model generation as well as 3D cyber city modelling 
with a good LOD (level of detail) will also be studied and 
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Developments and Applications, 53" Photogrammetric Week, 
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Kruck, E., 1984. Ordering and Solution of Large Normal 
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