1e list. Features showing a
> removed as well.
descending rating and only
he consistency check and
| be a relevant amount of
aining features. But even in
er is low enough to detect
dle adjustment.
rojection can be determined
SS for every captured line,
ermination — the rotational
1 the real camera rotation -
with the 3D-positions of
on the platform and the
hese rotational offsets drift
> modeled by an orientation
L = 1..N sets of rotational
nts in time and interpolated
rves (Wohlfeil, 2010). The
orrection parameter sets is
acteristics of the orientation
ne images, the appropriate
ts are determined with the
joints. While the correction
s typically expressed by a
ion correction function of a
parameters. In both cases
found that meet best the
ologous points.
> bundle adjustment from
used for performing this
automatically determined
tment must be performed
eliminate incorrect points.
eir residuals, which are
of all residuals. In practice,
worked well in all cases.
ite orientation
ologous points, the relative
es is optimal. But if no
absolute orientation of the
stment, the accuracy of this
'ecially the case for remote
ld of view, such as most
narrow swath (ie. few
ld of view and the large
e earth, the rays of light
of the image are almost
tion is very flat in terms of
It, very small errors in the
oints cause the absolute
ing ground control points
ct space) in the bundle
of their positions is very
mall subset of homologous
Jstment as pseudo ground
s determined by spatial
of sight, using the directly
one additional bundle
adjustment is performed including both, homologous points
and pseudo ground control points. In this way, the accuracy
of absolute orientation can be retained at the level of direct
geo-referencing capabilities of the remote sensing system
while the relative orientation is improved without any ground
control points.
3.5 Accuracy Determination
After bundle adjustment, the accuracy of the relative
orientation is optimized. However, due to small errors in the
determination of points, but also due to errors in the interior
orientation, insufficiently uncorrected atmospheric effects,
etc. the accuracy is limited and varies from scene to scene.
SGM requires a relative orientation that allows the prediction
of epipolar lines with less than one pixel of divergence in
image space. In order to assure that this requirement is met,
the resolution of matched images, and so the resulting DSM,
must be reduced, if necessary.
In order to check and reduce the DSM resolution
automatically a special measure is introduced. It measures
how accurate the epipolar curves (they are actually curves in
line images, instead of lines) can be predicted. The epipolar
curve is predicting possible locations of a point of image 7 in
image j according to the given (interior and) exterior
orientation of both images. As the images of one scene can be
captured with different sensors, their resolution and geometry
can differ. Therefore, the epipolar curve is projected onto a
plane at mean terrain height, resulting in the curve c;;.
d(c;;,l;) is defined to be the minimum distance between c;;,
and the line of sight /; corresponding to the point in image i.
This distance can be calculated for all homologous points for
any tuple of images i and j being matched. Finally, the RMS
of all distances calculable for the given set of homologous
points is defined to be the epipolar error e,. It represents the
overall-accuracy of a set of images in terms of SGM.
The epipolar error should not exceed half the GSD, in order
to meet the constraints of SGM Matching. If it exceeds half
the GSD of any of the involved images, the images have to be
down-sampled to a GSD of 2-:e,. At the same time, this
GSD is the resolution of the resulting DSM (GSDpgy). This
means that, after calculating the epipolar error from
homologous points used for bundle adjustment, the GSDpgy
can automatically be chosen to achieve both, the best possible
resolution and quality of the result.
3.6 Water Masking
There have been numerous research efforts into water body
extraction from satellite imagery. (Zhaohui, 2003) relies on
water bodies having a smooth untextured surface and can
only detect large bodies. (Bovolin et al, 2006) suggest using
the IR spectral band. Unfortunately, there exists no general
solution to segment all sorts of water bodies in a limited
number of spectral bands or even a panchromatic image.
Fortunately, the U.S. Geological survey provides data on
water bodies and coastlines in the resolution of the SRTM
elevation data. The contours are downloaded for the given
area. As both, the accuracy of the water mask and absolute
pointing accuracy of the satellite is limited, water areas are
dilated a suitable distance. The resulting contours are then
simplified to facilitate processing (Figure 2).
The SRTM data has already been manually processed and
contains all types of water bodies, but it has the obvious
disadvantage of not always being up to date, due to the
volatile nature of coastlines. As a fall back mechanism, the
user is provided the option to manually correct the mask.
Figure 2: Dilated water mask generated from SRTM. The
simplified water polygons are drawn white with blue edges.
3.7 SGM Image Matching
As soon as the mentioned requirements are met, stereo
matching can be applied to overlapping images for
computing a dense reconstruction of the scene. For a long
time, local, correlation based methods dominated
photogrammetry. Due to the size of the correlation window,
resulting surface models have a lower spatial resolution than
the input images. Fine structures are lost and object
boundaries are smoothed. In contrast, global methods permit
pixel-wise matching, which is guided by a global smoothness
constraint. The resulting surface models have the same
resolution as the input images, but global methods typically
have a high processing time, which prevent their use for real
world problems. The Semi-Global Matching (SGM) method
provides a very good trade-off between accuracy and
processing speed (Hirschmüller, 2005 and 2008).
SGM performs matching of corresponding pixels along
epipolar lines. Since, in general, line images cannot be
rectified such that epipolar lines are exactly aligned with
image rows, line images are projected onto a horizontal plane
and matching is performed along calculated epipolar lines
(Hirschmüller et al., 2005). As matching cost, Census is used,
for radiometric robustness (Hirschmüller and Scharstein,
2009), which is very important in satellite imagery, due to
typically large time differences, which causes different
Figure 3: Reconstruction of Mt. Everest in 50 cm/pixel from
World View satellite images, provided by DigitalGlobe