Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B1, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
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The difference of initial 
Number of lines 
40 45 
Number of lines 
Figure 5: (a) the number of iterations and (b) the running times as a function of the number of lines. (c) the percentage of convergence 
when initial poses are generated from a multinormal distribution. 
The tracking is performed on an image sequence recorded from 
a moving calibrated camera pointing towards the scene as shown 
in Fig. 6. We implement a simple line tracker in a typical frame- 
work where a local search along the normal direction of a model 
edge line is performed for gradient maxima for a set of sampled 
points in the line (Wuest et al., 2005). The strong maxima are 
taken as the 2D feature points whose corresponding 3D sampled 
points are in the object line. At run time, the tracker generates 
a set of 3D-to-2D line correspondences among which outliers or 
erroneous ones exist. Robust pose estimation method that well re- 
sists outliers is evaluable for robust tracking. We use our method, 
LOI-2 specifically, for the tracking. Fig. 6 shows four frames of 
the tracked sequence. Our method consistantly tracks the whole 
Robust pose estimation is necessary for refining the pose. We p- 
resented efficient and robust iterative pose estimation algorithms 
for line features. Our method introduces coplanarity errors and 
formulates objective function in the object space by employing 
orthogonal projections. In the same framework, three pose esti- 
mation algorithms are given and their performances are evaluat- 
ed. Compared with other pose estimation algorithm for lines, one 
of the proposed methods-LOI-2 algorithm is extremely robust, 
accurate, and also converges fast. 
For future work, we are interested in using our methods for real 
applications, for example, robot navigation. By making use of 
more other information like the appearance of object, the search 
of pose from unknown line correspondences may speed up. We 
are also interested in implementing our simultaneous pose and 
correspondence method on GPU, for real-time virtual reality ap- 
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