Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B1, 2012 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B1, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
tage of convergence 
X., VAIDYA, V. G. 
corresponding point 
risty, S., 1997. Ob- 
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thonormal matrices. 
pp- 1127-1135. 
ing pose and a sen- 
pp. 313-342. 
stical estimation for 
ndences. [Image and 
(a) frame #1 (b) frame #52 
0. Determination of 
nt correspondences. 
chine intelligence. 
988. A linear algo- 
le correspondences. 
0. Fast and globally 
:. IEEE transaction- 
E (c) frame 486 (d) frame #135 
007. Accurate non- 
1: IEEE Conference 
Figure 6: Pose estimation for 3D object tracking on a sequnce recorded with a moving camera. 
‘pose determination 
er of solutions. In: 
ittern Recognition. 
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yondences. Interna- 
nt camera pose de- 
alysis and machine 
on of transformatio 
transactions on pat- 
aptive line tracking 
lity. In: 4th IEEE 
ed and Augmented 

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