Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

> XXXIX-B4, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
An in-database analytics. approach is much faster, more 
efficient, and more secure than traditional analytics approaches. 
In-database analytics delivers immediate performance, 
scalability and security improvements because data never 
leaves the database until results are filtered and processed (Das, 
In-database processing is performed and promoted as a feature 
by many of the major database and data warehousing vendors, 
including Oracle, IBM, Teradata, Netezza, Greenplum and 
Aster Data Systems (Grimes, 2008. Berger, 2009). For 
example, Oracle Data Mining and Oracle R Enterprise are in- 
database data analysis engines. Coupled with the power of 
SQL, they eliminate data movement and duplication, maintain 
security and minimize latency time from raw data to valuable 
In-database processing has been successfully used in many 
high-throughput and mission-critical applications, including 
fraud detection, pricing and margin analysis. The success of 
this approach and its applications inspired us to consider the 
same strategy for image and raster processing and analytics 
inside Oracle Spatial GeoRaster. 
As we mentioned in the introduction, geospatial imagery and 
raster data are big data. A typical geoimage database has tens or 
hundreds of terabytes of data. Petabytes of data is not abnormal. 
Data has “weight” and geospatial image and raster data sets are 
particularly “heavy”. Given that the processing and analysis are 
data intensive, data locality should always be an important 
factor in our design and implementation strategy. So we 
conclude that building an in-database analytics engine should 
be a good strategy. It moves the data processing closer to the 
data instead of moving the data to the processing, which helps 
achieve greater performance by overcoming the bottleneck of 
computer networks. 
Image and raster data processing and analysis involve a large 
set of operations, including image geometric corrections, image 
enhancement and classifications, map algebraic operations, 
terrain analysis, geostatistics, to name a few. Since map algebra 
is the basic and most commonly used technique in raster data 
analysis and GIS modeling we mainly discuss its 
implementation in this paper. 
Developed through the 1980's by Professor C. Dana Tomlin as 
part of his PhD thesis work, Map Algebra is a high-level 
language providing a framework for performing raster data 
analysis and cartographic modeling. Map Algebra includes a set 
of operators, such as arithmetic, boolean, logical, relational, and 
combinatorial operations. It also includes a set of functions, 
which are generally classified into four categories: local, focal, 
zonal and global (Tomlin, 1990). 
There are many implementations of Map Algebra. However, 
the exact syntax and workflow of the expressions and functions 
could be very different among those implementations, while the 
concepts and functionality remain the same. Generally, a 
computing language should include declaration of variables and 
constants, data processing operations (expressions) and 
procedures (functions), statements and programs. We think the 
same should be true for a good Map Algebra implementation. 
PL/SQL, the Oracle procedural extension of SQL, is a portable, 
high-performance transaction-processing language. PL/SQL 
combines the data-manipulating power of SQL with the 
processing power of procedural languages. You can control 
program flow with statements like IF and LOOP. As with other 
procedural programming languages, you can declare variables, 
define procedures and functions, and trap runtime errors. 
PL/SQL lets you break complex problems down into easily 
understandable procedural code, and reuse this code across 
multiple applications. When a problem can be solved through 
plain SQL, you can issue SQL commands directly inside your 
PL/SQL programs, without learning new APIs. PL/SQL's data 
types correspond with SQL's column types, making it easy to 
interchange PL/SQL variables with data inside a table (Oracle, 
Oracle Spatial GeoRaster is completely built inside the 
enterprise Oracle database server. The PL/SQL language is 
available to GeoRaster already and the users are mainly using 
PL/SQL to manage, query and manipulate GeoRaster objects. 
So, we can further leverage the power of the PL/SQL language. 
For our geospatial analysis purposes, what this language lacks 
is the specific map algebra expressions and functions. 
To implement this we designed a new raster algebra expression 
language covering general arithmetic, casting, logical and 
relational operators as shown below. 
range Type: 
| castonebit 
| casttwobit 
| castfourbit 
| casteightbit 
| sqrt 
| exp 
| log 
| In 
| sin 
| cos 
| tan 
| sinh 
| cosh 
| tanh 
| arcsin 
| arccos 
| arctan 
| ceil 
| floor 
integer number 
double number 
integer number 

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