Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

> XXXIX-B4, 2012 
1er components such as a 
it have been performed on 
h are used to define the 
in the mosaic dataset, and 
iy the mosaic dataset. 
iposite layer of Footprint, 
virtual mosaic view of the 
e 7). It can also contain a 
zooming and panning, the 
sible range request will be 
specified mosaic rule and 
fly. For example, you can 
Closest To Center mosaic 
ed on the distance to the 
ie method which will use 
ted rasters. 
ing Customize Winde 
of a mosaic dataset 
M+ scenes 
ny applications including 
ortho image tiles, image 
image tiles: The mosaic 
ocessing. You can add 
0 a mosaic dataset. While 
be defined based on user 
normally include image 
pan-sharpening, image 
such as color correction 
ed on the mosaic dataset 
nosaics. The following 
the steps to create three 
saic dataset that provides 
horectified mosaic stored 
ile, which can be used in 
- of ortho image tiles that 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 8. Geoprocessing model creating a virtual mosaic, a mosaicked 
TIFF, and image tiles 
2) Cataloging a large collection of images: As the mosaic dataset 
manages the footprints in geodatabase but references the image 
data on disk, it becomes an advanced model for managing large 
image collections. First, a mosaic dataset of a large image 
collection can be created quickly as it does not load pixels into the 
geodatabase. Second, by taking advantage of the geodatabase 
technology, there is virtually no limit on the number of images 
that can be managed by a mosaic dataset. The limit is only in the 
hardware resources. Third, the mosaic dataset can manage data of 
various sensor platforms. Figure 9, shows the steps to create a 
mosaic dataset from Landsat and QuickBird images.Last, since 
the mosaic dataset footprint table contains information about the 
image, such as location, sensor type, image acquisition date, cloud 
cover, and so on, you can search and retrieve images from the 
mosaic dataset using attribute and location queries. A typical 
example of the search can be “all images acquired after the year 
2000 with cloud cover less than 3% and within my study area 
delineated by a polygon”. 
Figure 9. Geoprocessing model creating a mosaic dataset for 
cataloging and searching 
3) Serving an image mosaic and catalog for internet access: Using 
the ArcGIS Server technology, the mosaic dataset can be served 
as an image service to provide dynamic mosaicking and 
cataloging capabilities. Figure 10, shows the search results from a 
Landsat service of the world using “AcquisitionDate > date 
‘2008-01 -01’” plus a polygon around the Great Lakes area in 
North America. Furthermore, once selected, users can directly 
use the services with only the specified images being processed, 
export the orthorectified images in a well-known image format, or 
download the original image with metadata information—straight 
from the server to the desktop machine or browser. Users can also 
export the mosaic to a well-known image format with a user 
expected projection. 
Bib Red 
#S Greer 
$2 iue Blue 
Figure 10. Search result from an image service 
served by a mosaic dataset 
2.3.4 Reference mosaic datasets 
Because of the nature of on-demand processing, multiple mosaic 
datasets can be created from the same source data by simply 
referencing the source mosaic dataset and adding raster functions. 
For example (Figure 11), from a multiple band mosaic dataset of 
Landsat image data, we can create a false color mosaic dataset by 
simply creating a reference mosaic dataset and adding a function 
to extract band , or create an NDVI mosaic dataset by adding a 
NDVI function. 
Figure 11. Mosaic dataset of RGB, False Color, 
and NDVI that reference the same source data 
2.3.5 Mosaic dataset updating 
Mosaic datasets provide an automatic updating mechanism. New 
images in the data folder can be automatically added to the 
mosaic dataset using the same raster type used in the mosaic 
dataset through a synchronize operation. Existing images in the 
mosaic dataset can also be updated if the sources or image 
properties are changed. 
2.3.6 Mosaic dataset cascading 
You can create a master mosaic dataset from one or multiple child 
mosaic datasets by using a special raster type called Table. This 
raster type will copy all the records and the raster type 
information from the child mosaic dataset to the master mosaic 
data. Any updates to the child mosaic datasets can be 
synchronized to the master mosaic dataset. This framework 
enables one to manage data in an organization that has multiple 
departments or teams. In the example showed in Figure 12, 
multiple counties create their own mosaic datasets to manage their 
Git image files 
State geram i 
— M RS image files 
SN county 2 
image files 
county 3 
Figure 12. Cascaded mosaic dataset 
EE HP A seen 

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