Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
2.1.Water Resources Regions in India !5 
Region Water resources Region Name 
1 Indus River Region 
2 Ganges River Region 
3 Brahmaputra River 
4 Region covering all east flowing rivers draining in 
Bengal except Ganges and Brahmaputra. 
S Region covering all rivers draining in Arabian sea 
in... west. 
6 Region covering the rivers having ephemeral 
. drainage in Rajasthan desert 
Figure.1. Water resources Regions in India!?, 
Based on these codifications water resources region 5 in 
Tamil Nadu and near by Kerala states is delineated in to 
5A basin which drain in Arabian sea and water resources 
region 4 in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh 
states in to 4A,4B and 4C basins which drain in Bay of 
Bengal.( Table 1). 
Table 1.River Basins in Tamil Nadu!! 
No. Basin Rivers covered Area States covered 
Code by the Basin Sq. Rm. 
i 4A 38.740 Tami! Nadu and 
2 tB Cauve 72 000 
3 4 
56.200 Tamil Nadu, 
in Arabian Sea Kerala, 
Pondichery, and 
2.2.Relation ship of Micro Watershed with Stream order, 
Area & Watershed Code No 
The basins were further delineated in to Catchment, 
Sub Catchment and Watersheds. Tamil Nadu state has 
about 230 water sheds. The watershed is indicated using 
capital alphabets and numerals. The watersheds are 
further delineated in to next level as sub watersheds, mini 
watersheds, micro watersheds Gradel to Grade VII based on 
the geo morphological characteristic of streams in the soil 
watershed Atlas of Tamil Nadu which is now available in 
the web site http://www.aedatlas.tn.nic.in The codification of 
micro watersheds is done in the same pattern of A.N.Khosla 
with alternate small alphabets instead of capital letters and 
numerals. ( Table 2). 
This Atlas removes the concept of delineation of 
water shed based on area etc. Earlier there was a practice of 
defining micro watersheds based on area. A watershed with 
500ha is termed as micro watershed without considering 
geomorphology. A micro water shed may be large covering 
1000 ha in plains and small covering 100 ha to 10 ha in 
hills based on drainage pattern with the ridge of the micro 
watershed as the permanent natural boundary. 
3.1.Micro watershed definition 
MICRO WATER SHED is defined as that one 
generally formed by second order streams because 1° order 
streams are virgin drainage courses for water by fluvial 
erosion process of sheet, rill and gully erosion and the I* 
order stream is young and may not stabilized. This 
assumption also avoids the codification of very tiny 
watersheds in hills with dendritic or sub dendritic drainage 
pattern. Stream adopts generally parallel and sub parallel 
pattern in irrigated command areas and plains. The drainage 
or feeder channels from the lakes or rivers are considered as 
first or second order streams to evaluate and study stream 
3.2. Terminology!’ —Codification of watershed 4C2C4 
The terminology of 4C2C4 Kusasthalai watersheds and 
Poondi Reservoir -Ramancheri mini watershed 4C2C4bl is detailed 
Region : 4 Rivers draining in Bay of Bengal , 
Basin: C Between Cauvery and Krishna 
Catchment: 2 Between Pennaiyar and Pennar 
Sub Catchment: C Miscellaneous around Chennai 
Watershed: 4 Kosasthalai Aru 
Sub Watershed: b Ramanjeri 
Mini watershed: 1 Poondi Reservoir- Ramanjeri 
The correlation between code number of micro 
watersheds, their area and stream order is explained in Table 
No 2. The micro watershed in plains may have 9'^ or lesser 
stream order. Where as at hilly region it may be above 14% 
order as we can identify more streams while using high 
resolution satellite data and delineating micro water sheds. 
This precision in delineation is not feasible while using 
1:50000 topo graphic sheets with about 22 m resolution data 
of Land sat , IRS LISS 3 or other satellites.. 

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