Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
below details the drainage pattern in fluvial basin. image 
i ; 4 
à € 7 ii 
3 2 5 iU 
4 i 5 9 
8 b 4 8 
à Sub W: Z 3 7 
7 Mini watershed a 2 b 
8 Micro watershed Gr ! i i 5 
8 Micro watershed Gr a 4 
watershed Gr 
Figure 5.Cartosat 1, 2.8 m resolution stereo PAN data merged 
with LISS IV MSS Resource sat satellite data? 
The micro drainage is mapped from high resolution MIA E NN 
stereo satellite data and Pan and MSS merged data which NR Bises a ND SN A 5 
is in colour. Streams in various orders are identified*. The Figure 8. The micro waterseds with code nos of study area. 
contours from Cartosat 1 data enabled us to delineate water 
shed boundaries and identify the slope to map the area. The The watereseds are given ml to m4 grade $ based to explain 
forest area has dendritic pattern and agricultural lands has sub the relationship with stream order in micro watershed. There 
parallel flow. The drainage channels from lakes are mapped are ml micro watersheds with first order 
to complete the drainage net work which could not have been ORT UN 
done with 1:50000 map or 22m resolution images. mn es 
tu dad ua tt = a ue ii am "e i | i 
M n Tema, md mt 
is i i a 
rig TE 
mi c 
m2 nj 
qz ÿ 
m2 j mi. rerit m2 a Ein m 
i : ; m "rà NN. 
Pu Figure.9. ml to m4 grades of micro waterseds 
Figure 6. The drainage pattern in micro watersheds in 
irrigated tank command area mapped by using High 
Resolution satellite data in Kusasthalai fluvial watershed 
near Poondi reservoir'2. The table below gives the details of 
additional micro watersheds and stream orders identified. 
The images of study area with micro watershed codes, stream 
order etc are given here to explain the out come of this study 
AC2C MO st ala 
ITAA A 40 UC M2 ta! 
acte kiss 
bod Aa ee SRC AT at ane 
C2 M2 a! bh sais 
Az 362! bd BOZEN Qu 
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Figure 10. Micro watersheds with code nos. 
m2 watersheds with second order streams, m3 watersheds 
with 3'd order stream and m4 watersheds with 4% order 
streams as detailed in Fig 9. The figure 10 details the micro 
water sheds with their code Numbers’. 
Figure 7 Stream order 1 to 4 in study area 
Tabled. The additional watersheds and streams while The Australian major river map in Fig 11 indicates 
using high resolution data.! the rivers with nos from 1 to 57. If Dr A.N.Khosla’s!* 
No. AVastershed dude Sıream Stream principals are adopted the south flowing rivers in South sea 
Terminolgy Based on No order order including Western Plateu ephemeral drainage draining in 
Geomorphology with 1:3006 South sea and classified as Regionl. Region 2 will comprise 
1:50000 image of east flowing rivers draining in Pacifica and Australian seas 
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