Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
in East. Region 3 will covers North flowing rivers draining 
in Timour bay, Indian Ocean bays in north and Region 4 
will have all west flowing rivers daring in Indian Ocean. 
With this map'* it is possible to indicate only delineation and 
codification up to basin/catchment level. The tables details 
the basin codefor the 57 Rivers. 
Ber Aare 
Figure 11.Australian Major Rivers 
Table 4. Region 1.South sea flowing rivers, Murrey 
Darling river and other rivers basins 
R River Basin Watershed 
i / 
V Catchment 
e /Sub 
r Code 
1 Snowy Snowy 1 Al 
2 Shoalhaven Snowy 1 A2 
3 Hunter Snowy 1 A3 
4 Macleay Snowy 1 Ad 
5 Clarence Snowy 1 AS 
6 Murray Murrey-Darling 1 Bl 
% Bogan Murrey-Darling 1 BIA 
8 Darling Murrey-Darling 1 B2 
9 Macquarie Murrey-Darling 1 B2 
10 Namoi Murrey-Darling 1 B3 
11 Murrumbidgee Murrey-Darling 1 B3A 
12 Lachlan Murrey-Darling 1 B3B 
13 Campaspe Murrey-Darling ] B3C 
14 Goulburn Murrey-Darling 1 B3E 
15 Barwon Murrey-Darling 1 B4 
16 Condamine Murrey-Darling 1 B5 
17 Warrego Murrey-Darling 1 B6 
18 Yarra Yarra 1 €i 
19 Latrobe Yarra 1€2 
20 Derwent Hobart 1 DI 
21 Goulburn Murrey-Darling 1B3D 
Region 2.East flowing Rivers draining in Pacific seas 
and bays-Australia 
22 Dawson Fitzroy 2B2 
23 Fitzroy Fitzroy 2Bl 
24 Mackenzie Fitzroy 2 B3 
25 Isaac Fitzroy 2B4 
26 Burdekin Burdekin 2C1 
27 Suttor Burdekin 202 
Region 3.North flowing Rivers in Bays of Indian Ocean- Gulf 
of Carpentaria -Australia 
28 Mitchell Alice 3B1 
29 Alice Alice 3B2 
30 Jardine Alice 3 Al 
31 Staaten Flinders 3 A2A 
32 Flinders Flinders 3 A2B 
33 Leichhardt Flinders 3BIA 
34 Nicholson Flinders 3B1B 
35 Roper Flinders 3B2A 
36 Wilton Flinders 3 B2B 
37 Daly Daly 3ClA 
38 Katherine Daly 3CIB 
39 Victoria Victoria 3DI 
40 Ord Victoria 312 
Region 4. West flowing Rivers Draining in Indian Ocean 
41 Drysdale North West 4 Al 
42 Fitzroy North West 4 A2 
43 Margaret North West 4A3 
44 De Grey West 4 A4 
45 Fortescue West 4 AS 
46 Ashburton West 4 A6 
47 Gascoyne West 4B1 
48 Murchison West 4B2 
49 Swan/Avon South West 4B3 
50 Blackwood South West 4 B4 
Region 5. Western Plateau Ephemeral drainage draining in 
south sea during floods- Australia 
51 Coopers South Sea SAI 
52 Barcoo South Sea 5A2 
53 Thompson South Sea 5A3 
54 Diamantina South Sea 5A4 
55 Georgina South Sea SAS 
56 Finke South Sea 5A6 
57 Palmer South Sea 5A7 
6.1. Further scope of this research 
The code Nos of 57 basins in 5 Regions are given 
above. If codification and stream order GIS is created in 
1:5000 scale with high resolution stereo data of Cartosat 
1 updating with non stereo latest data from Geo Eye data 
with 0.5 m resolution the Micro watershed GIS it will be a 
Hydrological and Geomorphological data base treasure for 
Federal and State Govts of Australia to manage land and 
water resources. 

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