Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
The capability of the high resolution satellite data 
for digital and visual interpretation in conjunction with village 
cadastral maps is studied. This research provides useful 
information for creation of digital micro watershed atlas for 
management and protecting the area which has number of 
tanks and river channels for irrigation which will be flooding 
during high rainfall. 
Cartosat satellite stereo and LISS IV merged data is 
expected to have it's intensive use in water and land resource 
management for creation of GIS of micro watersheds in 
fluvial and aeolian basins. 
The need of using steam orders, micro water sheds 
and their codification based on codification principles of 
Dr.A.N.Khosla from the water shed atlas web site of Tamil 
Nadu is studied in detail for further research in Australia. 
Australia may also consider for delineation and 
codification of the watersheds using high resolution stereo 
satellite data to map streams of 14'^ and higher orders. 
The availability of 2.5 to 0.5 m high resolution data 
makes  morphometric and hydrological analysis with less 
dependence on mathematical or regression models which has 
been in use as all data base is in 1:50000 scale. 
If micro water shed codification is adopted it will 
enable the water resources managers to use common code no 
for watersheds in all states. 
The practice of states adopting a list of 500 and 
above rivers only with name may be avoided. 
The codification based on drainage pattern will 
give details on location of the streams. Use of same streams 
names for watersheds will avoid confusion in identification of 
The micro watershed code nos may become 
Federal ID for the streams in GIS data base and can be used 
by federal and state Governments to fund, monitor and 
management land and water resources projects as done in 
Tamil nadu India. 
If Australia starts using GIS of Micro watersheds 
based on Stereo satellite data it will open a new avenue for 
research as micro information on land forms and watershed 
hydrology. Accurate information from Micro watershed GIS 
will be available to manage the land and water issues. 
Indian Remote sensing centre ,Department of space India and 
Google web site, National informatics centre, Chennai, Govt 
of India, for the use of high resolution satellite data and the 
web sites 
1.Mohamed Ghouse.S,RamakrishnanV V, Radika JG, 
Santhanaraman.S et al 2012 May, Watershed Codification in 
Canada ,GSDI 13,Quebec Canada 
2.Mohamed Ghouse.S, Murthy RLN 2010 Indian Remote sensing 
satellite data for Greening Perth City Australia : 15^ ARSPC Alice 
Springs Australia 
3.Mohamed Ghouse.S, Murthy RLN 2008 Cartosat Stereo Data 
for Water shed and Water resources GIS, 14tth ARSPC Darwin, 
4.Mohamed Ghouse.S,Kuamr.D,Sukumar 2008 Tsunami 2004 and 
disaster management using High resolution IKNOS satellite Data AIT 
5.Mohamed Ghouse.S.,RamakrishnanVV, Radika GJ, 2009 Health 
GIS of Thiruvallur using LISS IV and Cartosat 1 merged data at 
Hyderabad India 
6.Mohamed Ghouse.S, Murthy RLN 2007 Micro water shed terrain 
model of micro watershed near Canberra using Cartosat 1 Stereo Data 
Hobart, Australia 
7.Mohamed Ghouse.S, and et al 2002 Asian Remote sensing 
Conference Watershed management system for Western ghats 
8.Mohamed Ghouse and et al -1999- Golden jublee International 
Conference Soil Conservation society - Micro Water shed GIS and 
Codification in Tamil Nadu New Delhi 
9.Hand book of Applied Hydrology, Ven Te Chow, L.ib Congress 
GB661 C56 
10. Watershed Atlas of India CGWB India 
Web sites 
13.htto://www.nativefish.asn.au/ozrivers. htm! 14. http// 
15.http://cgwh.gov.in/watershed/about-ws. html. 

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