Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
V. V. Nekrasov * *, E. Makusheva*? 
* Scientific Research Institute VNIIEM, POB 496, Glavpochtamt, Moscow 101000, Russia, vniiem-dzz@vniiem.ru 
Commission IV, WG IV/3 
KEY WORDS: Cartography, Processing, Adjustment, Orthorectification, Sensor, Georeferencing, Satellite, Accuracy 
"Canopus-V" satellite payload consists of two cameras — one of them panchromatic with 2.1 m GSD, another multispectral with 10m 
GSD. Navigation system accuracy provides georeference accuracy about 70-80 m without using of control points. The peculiarities 
of high-resolution panchromatic camera built with micro-frames technology requires to design surveying technology processing for 
obtaining continuous coverage. Automatic technology of searching tie points in overlapped areas of micro-frames was developed by 
authors. Block adjustment is done automatic. Rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) calculates after block adjustment for using in 
standard photogrammetric software. For “Canopus-V” sensors was developed mathematic model and software package for RPC 
calculating. Searching for tie points use combination of feature and area matching algorithms in overlapped areas of micro-frames. 
Process of satellite sensors shooting was simulated with use of calibration data (orthophoto, digital elevation model — DEM, control 
points for test area used as check points). Subpixel accuracy was achieved for block adjustment. Accuracy for resulting orthophoto 
was checked with control points and was 35-55 m. Using of two control points for block increases resulting orthophoto accuracy 
two times. Simulation results and accuracy estimation shows that “Canopus-V” panchromatic camera data can be recommended to 
modify maps for the scales 1:25000. “Canopus-V” multispectral camera data can be used to modify maps for the scales 1:100000. 
1. Introduction 2. Satellite — *Canopus-V" images processing 
In 2012 year in Russia we are waiting for launch two new 
remote sensing satellites of “Canopus” type. First satellite will 
be the property of Russia Federation, the second “BKA” will be 2.1. Satellite “Canopus-V” features 
the property of Belorussia. The launch of both satellitetes will General view of satellite “Canopus-V” and axis orientation are 
be done with the help of one carrier rocket. “Canopus-V” shown on figure 1. 
satellite is intended first of all for monitoring and allow to 
decide next tasks: 
* monitoring of anthropogenic and natural emergency; 
* disclosure of forest fire, environmental pollution; 
* earthquake forecast; 
* agriculture monitoring, water resources monitoring; 
e land use state; 
* quick observation of earth surface. 
Beside all this tasks *BKA" satellite must allow to decide 
cartographic tasks — renovation of cartographic and 
geoinformation products. Both satellites has identical 
equipment with the same parameters, therefore *Canopus-V" 
satellite data can be used to solve cartographic tasks also. 
This article has main purpose to define conditions and 
technology for using *Canopus-V" and *BKA" data for 
cartography, it means for geometrically correct coverage of 
earth surface. Main tasks which will be solved in this work is to 
develop technology of generating: 
* correct and exact definition of PSS and MSS sensor 
micromatrix with the help of RPC; 
* adjusted block of micromatrix for track shooting of 
“Canopus-V” satellite; 
* synthesize and metrically correct coverage for track 
Figure 1. General view of *Canopus-V" satellite. 
Main technical characteristics of “Canopus-V” satellite are 
shown in table 1. 
Satellite will be launched on sun-synchronous orbit with height 
510 km. 
Thanks to big roll and pitch angles of satellite swath width will 
C ; be about 920 km. Radio visibility with this orbital parameters 
not less than 23*10 km with RPC georeference; will be about 1200 km. Span width for PSS sensor will be 23.3 
* digital elevation model from multispectral sensor km, for MSS sensor span width will be 20.1 km 
MSS data of *Canopus-V" satellite. 

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