Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Orbital characteristics PSS MSS 
Orbit type Circular, Characteristic 
sun- Spectral bands 1 4 
nn sychronous Spectral bands (with level 0,5), 
Orbit height, km 510 imkm 
Inclination, degr oes. 97,447 Panchromatic (0,52—0,85) 
Satellite characteristics Blue (0,54-0,6) 
Weight, kg 400 G 0.630,69) 
Payload weight, kg 110 fee ae 0. 
Lifetime, years 5-7 Red (0,69-0,72) 
Orientation accuracy Not more than Near IR (0,75-0,86) 
5 arc seconds Focal length, mm 1797.5 359,5 
Maximal roll, pitch angles, degrees + 40° Relative hole 1:10,3 1:5,6 
Orientation accuracy, arc seconds 5 Transmittance 0,7 0,6—0,8 
Revisit time, days 15 Matrix size, pixels 1920x985 |1920x985 
Payload equipment characteristics Nadir shooting 
quantization width, bits 12 span width, km 23.3 20.1 
GSD, m 2,1 10,5 
On board storage 2460 Ground resolution, m 
Information storing time Not less than 2 
5 days 2.7 12 
Radio link quantization width, bits 8 Shooting square, square km 45,3 (6195 
Data transmission radiochannels 2 : co frog ento) : 
Bandwidth 61,44 or Table 2 Main characteristics of panchromatic and multispectral 
122,88 Mbit/s 
Time maximal error 
Not more than 
0,1 ms 
Payload work time on one round 
Shooting 700 
sec and 700 
Table 1 Main technical characteristics of “Canopus-V” satellite. 
Shooting scheme is shown on figure 2. 
Figure 2. Shooting scheme of “Canopus-V” satellite. 
Payload equipment consists of two sensors — panchromatic 
(PSS — panchromatic shooting sensor) and multispectral (MSS 
— multispectral shooting sensor) which allow to get image in 
four spectral bands — near infrared, red, green, blue. Shooting 
may be done simultaneously in panchromatic and multispectral 
modes and also with different combinations of spectral bands or 
only in one spectral band. Main technical characteristics of PSS 
and MSS sensors are shown in table 2. 
MSS sensor geometry is frame camera sensor, but if has some 
feature — it CCD matrixes for different spectral bands dispersed 
in focal plane (see figure 3). With this feature multispectral 
images may be done only in overlapped areas during satellite 
movement. But technology of multispectral synthesis will be the 
theme of another article. 
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Figure 3. MSS micromatrix placement in focal plane. 
This work will be devoted to processing technology of PSS 
sensor data.The main feature of PSS sensor — it is done from 
different CCD micromatrixes. Scheme of matrix placement is 
shown on figure 4. 
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Figure 4. PSS micro matrixes placement in focal plane. 
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