Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

Figure 1 shows a brief overview of our UltraMap v3 processing 
pipeline. The RawDataCenter is responsible for processing the 
UltraCam imagery into a so-called Level-2 data format. This 
data contains the digital negative of the camera (radiometrically 
and geometrically calibrated). The Aerial Triangulation (AT) 
module is responsible for calculating image correspondences in 
order to generate a precise exterior orientation for a whole 
image block. The Radiometry module is used to remove any 
physically-based colour artefacts as well as to adjust the desired 
final colour tone. 
The DSM Generation module takes the Level-2 images 
including the precise exterior orientation information and 
generates per-pixel height values. The final Ortho Generation 
module takes all available inputs (i.e. Level-2 imagery, AT 
result, radiometric settings, and the DSM/DTM) in order to 
generate the final ortho mosaic. 
The paper is organized as follows: after a brief related work 
section about semi-global matching and ortho mosaicking, the 
technical part of the UltraMap v3 system including dense 
matching, ortho mosaicking, user interaction, and distributed 
processing is explained. Before showing some results, we also 
outline our processing environment including some words about 
the interactive visualization. 
The first part of the UltraMap v3 is the generation of a digital 
surface model. Semi-global matching is a known technique in 
the photogrammetry community. In 2011, Heiko Hirschmueller 
(Hirschmueller, 2011) presented a good overview about the 
semi-global matching strategy including different applications. 
His approach can be seen as the current state-of-the-art 
technique for processing aerial imagery. Another comparable 
approach in the computer vision community can be found in 
Klaus et al. (Klaus, Sormann, & Karner, 2006). This method 
was leading the Middleburry stereo evaluation ranking for a 
long period of time (http://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/eval/). 
Related research in the field of ortho image mosaic generation 
can be found in the area of visual analysis, which has been well 
studied in computer graphics, computer vision and 
photogrammetry. Amhar et al. (Amhar & Ecker, 1996) 
proposed a methodology, which is based on photogrammetric 
principles to create DSMOrtho images from digital terrain 
models. Korytnik et al. (Korytnik, Kuzmin, & Long, 2004) 
proposed a polygon-based approach for the detection of 
occluded areas during the DSMOrtho image generation. In 
contrast to the method of Korytnik et al., most of other existing 
DSMOrtho image generation approaches are based on the Z- 
buffer algorithm, e.g. Chen et al. (Chen, Rau, & Chen, 2002) 
and Zhou (Zhou, 2004). Another closely related research is the 
well-studied problem of image stitching and compositing by 
Uyttendaele et.al. (Uyttendacle, Eden, & Szeliski, 2006), 
(Uyttendaele, Szeliski, & Steedly, 2011). Uyttendaele et al. 
propose a graph cut based approach for finding seams between 
overlapping areas and furthermore apply Poisson blending for 
compositing the final image. 
3.1 Dense matching and fusion 
Dense matching is the process of finding corresponding pixels 
in a pair of images in order to do a 3D reconstruction. As a 
prerequisite, the exterior orientation and the intrinsic calibration 
of the camera must be known. In order to establish 
correspondences, image-based correlation methods are used 
(e.g. normalized cross correlation). The output of the stereo 
dense matching approach is a range image which stores the 
calculated disparity values of a single image pair. 
The next step is to perform a range image fusion which takes all 
generated range images and calculates on the one hand side a 
3D representation (i.e. a point cloud), and finally a 2.5D height 
field known as the digital surface model. The range image 
fusion can be formulated as a global optimization step 
minimizing an objective function. 
DTM filtering 
The generated DSM can further be post-processed by applying a 
constrained filter operation. A gradient-based approach allows 
us to filter out buildings while preserving hills. The generated 
DTM is then used to generate a DTMOrtho in a fully automated 
3.2 Ortho rectification 
The first step in the ortho pipeline is called ortho rectification 
which re-projects the input images on a defined proxy 
geometry. Therefore, we introduce a virtual camera which is 
defined as a three dimensional plane emitting parallel rays to the 
ground (compare Figure 2). Those rays are intersected with the 
scene and therefore generate a 2.5D surface. In Figure 2, the 
upper half depicts two input images and the ortho projection 
whereas the 2.5D height field profile or surface is illustrated at 
the bottom. The process of generating an image from a new 
viewpoint is also known as image-based rendering. Due to the 
fact that one input image can only cover a certain area of the 
ortho projection, some regions are occluded (i.e. tall buildings). 
These regions are then filled by using neighbouring image 
Input image Inpet Image 
\ Orthogonal Projection 
ie À—ÀÀ 
Figure 2 Concept of an ortho projection with two input images. 
3.3 Seamline generation 
After the ortho rectification process, the next step is to find 
seamlines between projected ortho patches. This step is also 
known as contribution mask generation, since the contribution 
mask is the dual structure to the seamlines (see Figure 3). Seams 
correspond to transitions from one input image to another one. 
This process can be defined as an objective function, where the 
minimization can be reformulated as a function of the sum of 
unary and binary costs. This function incorporates the viewing 
angle of the input image including the colour differences. The 
optimization for finding the best path is done by applying a 
graph-cut (Kolmogorov & Zabih, 2004) algorithm. 
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