Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

250 4 & PVI value 
200 + ; 
150 4 ^ A 
= | 4 y = 0.703x + 79.01 E 
& | R? = 0.665 = 
100 4 e 
50 Ÿ 
0 4 : ; ; 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Mean Area (m?/ha) 
250 7 4» NDVI value 
200 | 
150 4 
van z 
2 & y = 0.636x + 56.54 = 
100 R? = 0.626 v 
50 € 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Mean Area (m?/ha) 
250 4 
200 - 
150 - 
250 + 
200 - 
50 iF 
4 TSAVI value 
y=0.691x + 67.37 
R? = 0.659 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Mean Area (m?/ha) 
€ SAVI value 
y = 0.669x + 54.88 
R? = 0.669 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Mean Area (m?/ha) 
Figure 3: The scatter plot, regressions models and correlation between the crown area (m?/ha) with the remotely sensed data 
(vegetation indices). 
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