Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
with GPGPU and photogrammetric using GPU parallel 
General purpose parallel programming can use GPUs not only 
for graphics but also for removing the burden of the non- 
graphic computational workload which is traditionally handled 
by a CPU. Significant computational speedups have been 
achieved by various researchers from different disciplines using 
general purpose parallel programming. Although GPU-based 
non-graphics computation is well suited to data-parallel tasks 
such as image processing kernels and matrix operations, it is 
also possible to accelerate many other applications by adapting 
existing algorithms to the general purpose parallel programming 
(Yilmaz, 2010). Therefore it seems reasonable to exploit 
tremendous computing power of GPUs for orthorectification, 
since computational power is an important concern, 
In this study we currently used the GPGPU method for 
orthorectification procedure. 
The main reason for coming to the agenda the GPUS is really 
powerful and as well as cheap hardware available. These chips 
were standard application equipment in near future but they 
evolved into powerful and programmable processors to meet 
general needs today. Especially in recent years, GPUs can be 
used in general purpose calculations phenomenon attracted the 
attentions of researchers dealing with complex problems which 
need high level calculations. The biggest problem here is; GPUs 
uses different programming algorithm. Because of that reason, 
the effective GPU programming requires the re-writing existing 
program algorithm using graphical terms again considering to 
hardware structure and limitations. Today, the multicore 
processors can not be programming using traditional 
programming methods. So the usage of typical event 
programming procedure can not be possible for programming 
the multicore processors. 
Programming model changed to stream computing and 
processing. In this new model for identifying the kernel 
functions, that apply intensive calculation each element in the 
flow, all the input and output data qualified as stream. There are 
lots of processors on the GPU that process these streams. 
For example Nvidia GTX580 series card has 512 unit stream 
processors (CUDA processors). So we can consider such as 512 
computers stay side by side. The graphic cards can do multiple 
intensive processes with these stream processors at the same 
GPUs can make more parallel calculation than CPUs. This can 
be shown in Figure 1. *Flop" term defines the processor speed. 
It means “the number of floating points per second". We can 
see clearly from the chart, Nvidia graphic processors about ten 
times faster than Intel processors in year 2010. 
Memory bandwidth term means, amount of the data transferring 
in per second between GPU and graphic card memory. 
Theoretical maximum memory bandwidth is typically 
computed by multiplying the width of the interface by the 
frequency at which it transfers data. This term speedup is a 
factor that improves the graphic card performance. Given the 
floating-point operation per second to increase capacity in line 
with the years, has been an improvement in memory bandwidth. 
Figure 2 show that, GPUs bandwidth reached a rate 6 times 
more than CPUs bandwidth. 
-HVIDIA GPU Single Precision 
1500 ame NVIDIA GPU Double Precision 
wegen [te CPU Single Prec sion 
intet CPU Double Precision 
Tesla C2056 
250 Westmere 
Tesla C1068 
: Harpertown 
Mar-07 Jut -08 
Jun-04 Oct-05 Dec-09 
0 PR 
Sep-01^* nf 
Figure 1. Development of floating-point operations per second 
for the CPU and GPU (Nvidia, 2011). 
Theoretical GB/s 
200 ; 
180 - 
160 - eerie e eer esos em 
140 - 
120 - 
100 - 
60 mee 
40 + 
; Bloomfield 
20 n Prescott m 
go qp Harpertown 
0 JusrHWOR ; Array 
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 
Figure 2. Development of memory bandwidth for the CPU and 
GPU (Nvidia, 201 1a). 
The reason behind the discrepancy in floating-point capability 
between the CPU and the GPU is that the GPU is specialized 
for compute-intensive, highly parallel computation — exactly 
what graphics rendering is about — and therefore designed such 
that more transistors are devoted to data processing rather than 
data caching and flow control, as schematically illustrated by 
Figure 3. 
Control AU AU -— - 
Figure 3. The general structure of CPU and GPU and difference 
in the number of transistors they have (Nvidia, 201 1b). 

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