Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

4, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
h) Navigation Information — The detailed navigation information 
including the geographical position, depth, depth of the lake floor, 
as well as heading and speed are indicated in the navigation panel of 
the data browser. The navigation information remains synchronised 
with other visualisation panels and is updated in accordance to the 
state of browser in both interactive and replay modes. 
i) Video Log — The availability of a video log is indicated on the 
timeline chart depicted in Figure 6(c). Correspondingly, the replay 
of the available video sequences may be triggered "clicking" the 
corresponding area of the timeline chart. During replay, all visu- 
alisation components, including the map, the timeline, as well as 
the navigation information remain synchronised with the particular 
frame of the video sequence. Clicking the video reveals an Obser- 
vation form depicted in Figure 6(c), which facilitates collaborative 
aggregation of observations. 
j) Master Environmental Variables — Sensory data of water qual- 
ity have been monitored during all dives, registering temperature 
(C), oxygen level (976) and salinity (76) of the water. Irregular fre- 
quency of measurements was unified by interpolating all data (how) 
to one second time-step Theses data are each plotted versus depth. 
If there is no selected day, all the dataset is represented, allowing 
an overall view of behaviour of theses variables. On the other hand, 
if a specific day is selected theses plots each show one line per sub- 
marines color-wise represented for this daily data. A crosshair bar 
is synchronised with the browsing of the depth plot. 
k) Sample Information — If a sample icon is clicked on the map 
or on the timeline, information about this sample is displayed (type, 
time, coordinates, coordinates, people that collected it and project 
it was used on). Actual content of the sample are not yet available 
online on this platform. 
2.5 Data structure 
The developed GIS platform includes a Google Fusion Tables-powered 
online database of temporally and spatially synchronised sensory 
data, which allows systematic search, retrieval, as well as collab- 
orative editing. In particular, the semantic structure of the entire 
dataset is depicted in Figure 7. The resultant data is stored using 
XML, specifically the Open Geospacial Consortium (OGC) KML 
and OGC GML/Observations and Measurements (OM)4 Sensor Web 
Enablement (SWE) schemas as detailed in the corresponding OGC 
standards. The simplified examples of the XML files that are utilised 
by our Web GIS platform are depicted in Tables 1 and 2. 
We have developed a collaborative Web-based GIS platform, which 
facilitates efficient management, sharing and dissemination of multi- 
modal scientific data. 
Multiple sources of multi-modal data, including continuous in-situ 
measurements, as well as discrete water and sediment samples have 
have been accurately geo-referenced and mapped. The precise syn- 
chronisation of the video logs collected throughout the entire course 
of the field campaign has been achieved by the frame-by-frame 
timestamp analysis. This allows for a classification of the lake 
floor morphology; analysis of the sediment mechanical properties; 
as well as observation and classification of the lake flora and fauna. 
The developed Web-GIS platform provides the necessary collabo- 
rative functionality to facilitate such analysis. 
Survey Regions «GML» | Equipment <GML> 
| ed 
Class: Region Class: Instrument 
* Region ID (PK) * Instrument ID (PK) 
* Region Name * Instrument Name 
> Description + Description 
+ Overlay + Format 
de + 
Class: Overlay | Class: Sensor 
Inks SomoriDPK) 
+ Sensor Name 
+ Description 
+ Calibration 
links | Class: Data Statistics T 
* Instrument ID (FK) 
* Description 
* Values 
Survey Data <KML+GM LA Observ ations <KM L+GML> 
wm r^ um T 
Class: Date Class: Observation 
* DatelD (PK) + Obs ID (PK) 
— + Date + ObsType ID (FK) 
+ Region ID (FK) 3 : 
+ e 
link V 
T inks 
Class: Platform Class: Observation 
* MirID (PK) 
+ + ObsType ID (PK 
I + ObsType 
+ Description 
Class: Data + 
+ Instrument ID (FK) extends 
+ Values 
Figure 7: Semantic diagram of the Élémo project dataset. 
A modular version of the developed platform is currently under de- 
velopment. The aim of the new structure is to create a separate inde- 
pendent plugin for each of the visualisation components, which are 
implemented as independent plugins, which interact between each 
other by the mean of asynchronous events. This solution would 
achieve the goal of reusability and modularity. New plugins can 
be developed easily for the use of different specialised scientific 
The public version of the developed GIS platform is available on- 
line at: http://elemo-research.epfl.ch/demo.html. 
The authors would like to thankfully acknowledge the support of 
Ferring Pharmaceuticals and the Russian Federations Honorary Con- 
sulate in Lausanne, as well as the devoted crew of P.P. Shirshov 
Institute of Oceanography of the Russian Academy of Science for 
facilitating this research. 

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