Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 Int 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Table 1: Description of a single day collected in the course of — Table 2: Dense sensor data from the Élémo field campaign en- 
Élémo field campaign and encoded using a combined OGC KML coded using OGC GML Observations-and-Measurements (OM, 
(2008)/GML (2012) format as suggested by Lake (2007). The cor- ^ 2011) and Sensor Web Enablement (SWE, 2011) frameworks and 
responding GML content is detailed in Table 2. embedded within a KML file, as portrayed in Table 1. 
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"7> 1 Sg 
2 «kml xmlns-"http://www.opengis.net/km1/2.2"» 2  «I!-- CML content start --> 
3 «Document» 3  «gml xmlns:gml-"http://www.opengis.net/gm1/3.2" 
4 <Placemark> 4 xmlns:om="http://www.opengis.net/om/2.0" KEY 
5 <name>urn:elemo:2011-07-19:mir1</name> 3 xmlns:swe-"http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0" 
6 "ns 6 xmlns:xlink-"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"» 
7 <TimeSpan> 7  <om:ObservationCollection> ABS 
8 <begin>2011-07-19T11:10:11</begin> 8 <om:Observation> 
9 <end>2011-07-19T13:08:21</end> 9 <gnl :name>urn:elemo: instrument 1</gml : name> Web 
10 </TimeSpan> 10 <om:samplingTime> appli 
11 <LineString> 11 <gnl : TimePeriod> DTM 
12 12 <gml :beginPosition>2011-07-19T11:10:11</.. .> Ret 
13 «coordinates»? 13 <gml :endPosition>2011-07-19T12:20:41</gm.. .> tl 
14 -112.265654,36.094476,2357 14 an DT 
15 -112.2660388,36.093426 ,2357 15 ton:result> mère 
16 tent 16 <swe:SimpleDataRecord gml:id-"DataDefinition"» respe 
17 -112.265737,36.086463,2357 17 <swe:field name="Time"> 2) Af 
18 </coordinates> 18 a The 1 
19 </LineString> 19 <swe:field name="Temperature"> 3) Fi 
20 <ExtendedData> 20 es The i 
21 <SimpleData name="region">VidyBay</Sim...> 21 </swe:SimpleDataRecord> 
22 <SimpleData name="pilot">Evgeny</Simpl...> 22 <swe:values> ABC 
23 <SimpleData name="observer1">Yosef</Si...> 23 1,20.1,0.090,35.5... INTE 
24 <SimpleData name="observer2">Corinne</...> 24 1,20.1,0.091,35.3... 
25 <!-- GML content start --> 25 els 
26 ee 26 4535,19.8,0.087,35.7... 
27 <!-- GML content end --> 27 </swe:values> Now; 
28 «/ExtendedData» 28 </om:result> fepre 
29 </Placemark> 29 </om:0bservation> ner 
30 </Document> 30 <om:Observation> oi te 
31 </kml> 31 <gml :name>urn:elemo:instrument2</gml:...> The « 
32 ve Web 
33 <om:Observation> altim 
REFERENCES 34 <gml:name>urn:elemo:ytVideo</g...> fom 
Se 35 dye i 
Dragicevic, S., 2004. The potential of Web-based GIS. Journal of uS dime 
Geogrephical Systems 6, pp- 79-81. 10.1007/s10109-004-0133-4. 20 | <evervalues ytID="Gpi84p@1F-4"> third 
37 13:40:14,13:48:33,3 great 
Fu, P. and Sun, J., 2010. Web GIS: Principles and Applications. 38 14:02:59,14:10:53,503 and t 
Esri Press. 39 te provi 
40 14:27:44,14:27:52,1186 virtu: 
Lake, R., 2007. Transporting gml in kml. Blog post: http://www. 41 </swe:values> resol! 
galdosinc.com/archives/308. 42 Sees proce 
43  </om:ObservationCollection> Virtu 
OGC® Geography Markup Language (GML) — Extended schemas 44 — «1-- GML content end --> they 
and encoding rules, 2012. Open Geospatial Consortium, 45 (satel 
Reference number: 10-129rl. Available: https://portal. acces 
opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact id-46568. id 
; : : 08-094r1. Available: http://portal.opengeospatial.org/ Germ 
OGC® KML, 2008. Open Geospatial Consortium, Version: files/?artifact id-41157. The 
2.2.0, Reference number: 07-147r2. Available: http://portal. C 
opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact id-27810. in d 
OGC® Reference Model, 2011. Open Geospatial Consortium, ue 
Reference number: 08-062r7. Available: https://portal. SO 
opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact id-47245. appli 
OGCG SWE Common Data Model Encoding Standard, 2011. 
Open Geospatial Consortium, Version: 2.0, Reference number: 

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