Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 6. Figure shows 3D model of area 2 after applying the 
Figure 7. Figure shows the isometric view from the area 2. 
A new approach for developing a 3D model has been 
mentioned. The approach extracts objects from the point clouds 
and registered on the image, for assisting in object detection and 
extraction from the image. This process is called reverse 
registration. The reverse registration enables the algorithm to 
detect and extract object from the image automatically. Then 
extracted objects from the image will be transformed to a 3D 
space and developed a 3D model. All pixels of the interested 
and extracted objects from the image will be converted to points 
and registered on a developed DTM from point clouds before 
transformed to the 3D space. For extracting object from point 
clouds, the curvature of surface of objects will be assessed. If 
the curvature is changing rapidly, the algorithm will recognise 
the object. In addition of assessment of the curvature, the 
algorithm will assess the extracted objects with a defined 
knowledge which are initially introduced to the algorithm. The 
evaluation of the extracted object confirms that the operator is 
very well able to detect and extract the objects from point 
clouds. The reverse registration improves to detect and extract 
the object from the image. Usually filtering and segmentation 
are common methods for extracting an object from the image, 
but reverse registration assures the process to extract the 
interested object correctly. Indeed the reverse registration is an 
integration process for object detection from the image. The 
application of the approach is very versatile and can be used in 
different purposes; for example, the approach can be used in 
planning and engineering, in analysing objects, in developing 
3D GIS, in medical application, and emergency management. 
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Hereby, expressing our thanks to ISPRS commission III, 
working group III/4, specially thanks will be extended to Franz 
Rottensteiner, Caroline Baillard, Gunho Sohn, and Markus 
Gerke, for finding and supporting of ISPRS test project on 
urban classification and 3D building reconstruction and 
Providing data. 
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