Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
However, it is possible to change to a different reference 
system, e.g. for extraterrestrial visualizations. 
In OpenWebGlobe, for compatibility reasons, the spherical 
Mercator projection is used to map image and elevation data. 
This projection is mainly used to minimize distortions in 
processed images and elevation data (Snyder, 1987). 
The maximum latitude is chosen so that the resulting map fits 
into a square. For the spherical Mercator projection this 
maximum latitude is approximately 85.05 degrees. The square 
is used because the tiles are laid out in a quadtree. The quad- 
tree data structure has been used by many popular web mapping 
services like Google Maps, Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap. For 
OpenWebGlobe the same tile structure can be used and 
therefore be compatible with other tools for image data 
3.2 The OpenWebGlobe Viewer 
The OpenWebGlobe Viewer architecture is based on a 
scenegraph like model and it uses an object oriented approach. 
Among the basic objects (see Figure 2) is the context object 
(ogContext) which is the combination of a render window and a 
graphics engine. It corresponds to the WebGL context but in an 
abstract form. The scene object (ogScene) describes the type of 
virtual globe visualization. A virtual globe is usually 
represented as a 3d ellipsoid (WGS84), but it is also planned to 
create flat earth representations — especially for local scenes — 
or to create a 2d visualization which is usually a 2d map-type 
application. In the scene there is a camera object (ogCamera) 
which controls what is visible. There can be several cameras in 
à scene, but only one is active at a given time. The camera has a 
navigation controller which allows navigation through the scene 
— for example with the mouse and keyboard as input. There is a 
default navigation controller available, but a custom navigation 
can also be implemented. 
ete  Viewport 
Y P s + Projection 
Renderer i » oglamera -- 
> Position 
* ogNevigstionController 
* WebGt ^" QOnentation 
wv OogWord : 
*" . ogimagelayer 
> ogElevationtayer 
“+ ogPoilayer 
,; OpBillbcardLayer 
{dynamic content] ; 
U0gt201 310g 
^-« egGeometyLayer | 
^w. egVoxellayer 
Figure 2. Basic Objects of the OpenWebGlobe SDK 
The world object (ogWorld) contains the globe in the format 
Specified in the scene before (ellipsoid, flat, 2d). The world 
consists of different layers which can be added or removed 
during runtime. The most important layers are the image layer 
(oglmageLayer) consisting of previously tiled orthophotos or 
maps and the elevation layer (ogElevationLayer) consisting of 
previously processed (tiled triangulated geometry) elevation 
data (DEM). Both layers allow streaming of nearly unlimited 
data. In addition, combinations of different image layers are 
possible as shown in Figure 3. Here a high resolution image 
layer from Switzerland is combined with tiled data from the 
OpenStreetMap traffic layer. 
Figure 3. Example for combination of different image layers; 
image layer (25cm/pixel) and osm traffic layer combined and 
displayed with an elevation layer (25m grid). 
Furthermore the POI layer (ogPOILayer) contains points of 
interest (POI), the geometry layer contains 3d objects and the 
voxel layer preprocessed (tiled) 3d point cloud data. All layers 
are streamable over the internet or from a local webserver. 
As shown in Figure 4, there is also a number of more advanced 
objects for 3d geometry, POI description, and binary or multi- 
language text data described in the next sections. 
Be ogMatertol 
+ oglifthosrd 
T£: c ogfext 
Figure 4. Advanced Objects of the OpenWebGlobe SDK 
3.2.1 Points of Interest (POIs) 
For labeling some interesting points like mountain peaks, hotels 
or gas stations POI objects (ogPOI) are typically used. The 
graphical representation of a POI object within the globe 
consists of a symbol and a label. POIs are arranged in a layer 
object (ogPOILayer). Predefined functions for hiding, dragging 
or picking POI objects are implemented. The POI size, font or 

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