Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

In recent years, Italy and Switzerland have produced elevation 
data in different reference frames, produced with different 
technologies, resolutions, and accuracies. The first aim of the 
WP2 was the collection of the data and metadata for the study 
areas. In particular, this phase involved the research and the 
collection of local DTMs, i.e. digital terrain models with a 
medium or high resolution (at least 50 meters), developed by 
local authorities (Regions, National Geodetic Authorities), with 
a national or regional extension: 
e official DTMs of Lombardy and Piedmont Italian Regions 
and Switzerland with resolutions of 20, 50 and 25 meters 
e DTM with a 10 meters planimetric resolution for the eastern 
area of Piedmont, 
e Lidar DTM (Wehr et al, 1999, Brovelli et a1.,2004) that 
covers the catchement area of the Como Lake with a 
planimetric resolution equal to 2 meters, 
e high resolution Lidar DTM (1 meter), produced by the 
Ministry of Environment, which covers the Lombardy and 
Piedmont main hydrographic basins. 
The available DTMs are in different reference frames: the 
Lombardy DTM is in the Italian Roma 40, Gauss Boaga (R40- 
GB) reference frame (West zone), while the other DTMs are 
provided in ETRF89-IGM95. Some of them are in UTM 
coordinates (the two DTMs of Piedmont and the Lidar DTM of 
Como Lake), the others in geographic coordinates (the Swiss 
DTM and the HR Lidar DTM). Figure 1 shows the distribution 
of the DTMs collected over the project area of interest. 
8°E 8°30°E SE 9°30'E 10°E 
/ | * 
/ S 
46°30'N |‘ s ; nan t | 
« Ó 
N Si: m 
OA . PT a s 
TS t. 
[I HR hydrographic DTM 
[SC] LR Switzerland DTM 
LR Piedmont DTM 
L771 LR Lombardy DTM 
Figure 1. Distribution of the local DTMs for the area of interest 
of the HELI-DEM project 
DTM A(qm) | Sim) | C (km) 
IT Piedmont 2.5 50 7194 
IT Lombardy 5-10 20 23870 
CH 1.5-3 25 —5400 
IT Lidar ~1 1 4110 
Table 2. The available data. A: nominal vertical accuracy. S: 
spatial resolution. C: covered area within the Helidem region 
The main goal of the HELI-DEM project is the creation of a 
multiresolution digital terrain model unified for the alpine and 
subalpine area between Italy and Switzerland. Therefore some 
conclusions about the final resolution and accuracy of the 
resulting model can be drawn depending on the DTMs 
available. To this purpose, Figure 1 shows a graphical 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
representation of the maximum resolution available for the 
provinces involved in the project. 
To cross validate the DTMs, two different analyses have been 
carried out. The first is the comparison between crossborder 
DTMs with similar planimetric resolution where they overlap, 
ie. in the borders between their domain. The second 
comparison has been done between low and high resolution 
DTMs where the second one exist. Several cross-validations 
between different couples of DTMs have been carried out. As 
case studies, in the following sections only some comparisons 
will be reported: 
e Piedmont (res. 50 m) and Switzerland (res. 25 m) DTMs, 
e Lombardy (res. 20 m) and Switzerland (res. 25 m) DTMs, 
e Lombardy (res. 20 m) and HR Lidar (res. 1 m) DTMs. 
The first and second comparisons are example of cross- 
validation between similar DTMs, while the third is a 
comparison between LR and HR DTMs. 
Since these DTMs are not all in the same reference frame, 
before doing the cross-validation, some datasets have been 
transformed into a new reference frame. To do that the program 
GK2CNV which allows to transform a list of points or a grid 
from one original reference/coordinate frame to another one has 
been implemented. 
The GK2CNV program, developed in FORTRAN language 
under the GNU General Public License, allows to transform 
spatial data between different reference frames (ETRF89, 
ETRF2000, R40-GB, ED50), according to Italian specifications 
realized by the Italian Military Survey Office (IGM — Istituto 
Geografico Militare, Altamimi and Boucher, 2001, Donatelli et 
al, 2002). The transformations are based on latitude and 
longitude shift parameters, gridded for the entire national 
territory with a spatial resolution of 5' in latitude and of 7'30" 
in longitude. The vertices (more than 800) used for the 
calculation of the national transformation parameters between 
the different frames belong to the National geodetic network. 
In the most common case, in which the point to be transformed 
does not coincide with a grid node, the shift value is obtained 
interpolating (using a bilinear interpolation algorithm) the four 
nodes closest to the point. 
GK2CNV accepts as input ASCII list of coordinates, a single 
DTM (ESRI or GRASS ASCII grid format) or a list of DTMs. 
The transformed output of the program is always a list of 
coordinates: it is worth to remember that, even if the input is on 
a regular grid, the transformed points are no more on a grid 
although regularly distributed. 
In the following the cross-validations, the implemented 
procedures and the results will be presented. 
3.1 Cross-validation of similar resolution DTMs 
All the LR DTMs have similar resolutions and accuracies: no 
one of them can be considered as truth and they have been 
compared on some points that do not coincide with the nodes of 
one of the original DTMs. The comparison points have been 
randomly generated in ETRF89 with a uniform spatial 
distribution within the overlapping area of the DTMs. Their 
density is about 1point/400 m”. 
For each point two elevations have been obtained, through exact 
bicubic interpolation from the nodes of the Switzerland DTM 
(hs) and then from those of the Piedmont DTM, hp (if the point 
is in the overlapping area between Switzerland and Piedmont) 
or Lombardy DTM, h, (if viceversa the point is in the 
overlapping area between Switzerland and Lombardy). For each 

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