Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

ected points 
the residu- 
¢ for CE-2 
se of CE-1 
e two linear 
on the focal 
by one area 
lirection are 
s of interior 
luals versus 
g images of 
are listed in 
cient b 
;Jumn resid- 
; in Table 6 
iquation (8) 
tion residu- 
7 shows the 
stion are re- 
re and after 
| as well as 
tively larger 
is indicates 
ample, fit- 
ult than fit- 
ting a straight line. 
10; : 
column residusis 
1000 2009 3000 4000 5000 6000 7060 
column number 
(a) Residuals and LSL for forward-looking image 
columna residuais. 
7000 2060 3006 4000 5000 6000 p 
alarm number 
(b) Residuals and LSL for backward-looking image 
Figure 7. Back-projection residuals in column direction before 
and after adjustment as well as the LQL (Take No.0580 orbit for 
DEM and DOM are generated using the corrected interior ori- 
entation model and shown in Figure 8. 
(b) DOM generated from CE-2 CCD images 
Figure 8. Partial DEM and DOM generated using CE-1 CCD 
images (take No.0581 orbit for example) 
In this research, we have developed the rigorous sensor models 
of CE-1 and CE-2 CCD cameras to calculate ground points in 
object space and back-project ground points into image space. 
By analyzing back-projection residuals, we proposed two meth- 
ods to refine the sensor models so that to reduce the residuals. 
Experimental results indicate that the two methods, correcting 
attitude angle bias and refining interior orientation model, are 
very effective for CE-1 and CE-2 images respectively. Conse- 
quently, the mapping products DEM and DOM have better pre- 
cision after the sensor model refinement. 
In the future, the two sensor model refinement methods will be 
further improved and tested using more and larger images from 
different orbits. Furthermore, a combined bundle adjustment in- 
corporating these refinement methods will be developed to 
reach best precisions of CE-1 and CE-2 images. 
Funding of this research by National Key Basic Research and 
Development Program of China (2012CB719902) and National 
Natural Science Foundation of China (40871202, 41171355) is 
acknowledged. We thank the Lunar and Deep Space Explora- 
tion Science Applications Center of the National Astronomical 
Observatories (NAOC) and Beijing Aerospace Control Center 
for providing the CE-1 and CE-2 images and telemetry data. 
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