Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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between buildings can have an effect specially if combined with 
some wind and climate information. 
32 Green feature classes and CO2 Factors 
Adding Values to Building Data 
Herein the greenery layers is combined with reduced CO2 from 
building layer to add to it a factor which is given as a 
percentage hypothetically, this percentage will be replaced by 
actual spatially varying percentage later as soon as more data 
will be received in regards, but nevertheless the operations here 
are more than sufficient because the major aim now is to 
prepare the basses for further assessment. 
A buffer is generated around each building in different 
scenarios representing multiple buffer sizes, these buffers are 
related to the greenery layer to get a value out of which using 
joining and shortest distance calculation, followed with 
calculating the total greenery area that is covered by each buffer 
without reusing the greenery area once it's selected for a 
building buffer. Nevertheless this doesn't mean that repletion in 
this case wouldn't provide a logical value or measure but this 
issue is left for the other scenarios where centres represented by 
buildings are to be compared against each other in concern of 
the reduction of CO2 related to a certain situation of 
environmentally favourable factors such as green roofs. 
Green Factor N 
| Green Freier Value 
Figure 5 Green factor raster Map 
Using the statistic and the histogram of the green factor map 
illustrated above in figures 5 and in figure 6 
Green Araa Factor 
Figure 6 Green factor histogram 
an equation is set and a calculation is performed to provide a 
resultant reduced CO2 Map that takes into consideration the 
greenery surroundings of buildings, based on the assumption 
that the greenery factor will add a maximum percentage value to 
CO2 reduction map, so using the statistic all the pixels will get 
a value accordingly but depending on the measure of greenery 
value at that selected particular buffer of a building. This is then 
resulted in a new CO2 map with values that are positively 
affected by the level of greenness. 
Reduced Col values by N 
Corntrofling Energy Consumption & Greenery Favorite Ä 
Figure 7 Reduced CO2 (energy reduction and Green factors) 
3.3 Road Surface feature classes and CO2 Factors 
Reducing Values to Building Data 
Herein the road surface layers are combined with reduced CO2 
from building layer to reduce to it a factor which is given as a 
percentage hypothetically, this percentage again will be 
replaced by actual spatially varying percentage later as soon as 
more data will be received in regards, the actual value will be 
calculated from the vehicle statistical data in combination with 
the measures of emission of greenhouse gasses. 
Practically a factor is calculated using the road surface data with 
the previously formed building buffers in a similar way such as 
the greenery, using the statistics and histogram and finally the 
map is produced to show how CO2 reduced values can be 
negatively affected by the closeness, type, wideness, traffic 
intensity, perhaps in combination with wind speed and direction 
besides many other factors. 
Road Factor N 
Figure 8 Road surface Factors Map 

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