Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

more than 10  university-industry-institute — cooperative 
organizations as below. 
€  Disaster-related Organizations (3) International 
Charter-Space and Major Disasters, Korean Aerospace 
Research Institute (KARI), National Disaster 
Management Institute (NDMI) 
€ Educational Sectors (3) : University of Seoul, Yonsei 
University, Chungnam National University 
€ Industrial Sectors (5) : Korea Cadastral Survey Co., 
Hansung T&I Co., Satrec Initiative Co., MD Korea Co., 
Geosystems Co. 
This group actually joint following activities voluntarily; timely 
acquire and process field investigation data of disaster area, 
analyze collected data, and generate hazard maps for 
emergency disaster response. 
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» EMT planceadinc » Satelite imagery acquisition 
Univ. of Seoul-driven | Yonsei Univ -driven KCSC-driven 
Mapping Group Mapping Group Mapping Group 
«Univ of Seoui(LSM Lab); »Yonsei Unt *KCSC 
*Chungnam National Univ |! (GIS/RS Lab.) : a 
"Hangsung T&i *GecSystems *MD Korea. Co 
attude datà sv Terrestriai LOAR data 
ANY Sara 
Figure 2. Configuration of EMT 
In this study, Space-, Air- and ground-based platforms were 
introduced for effective multi-sensor data acquisition and rapid 
mapping of disaster area. 
3.1 Small Manned Helicopter-based RAMS 
At various emergency situations such as natural disasters or 
accidents, the activation of effective disaster management 
system is indispensable for rapid responses. As the part of an 
applied research for rapid mapping, LSM laboratory of 
University of Seoul has developed RAMS (Real-time Aerial 
Monitoring System) which can monitor the emergency 
situations from the air using different kinds of sensors: digital 
camera, laser scanner, GPS, IMU etc. Each specification of 
sensors mounted on RAMS respectively is same as Table 1. 
Table 1. Sensor specification on board RAMS 
Characte Model 
i Description 
ristics | (Manufacturer) p 
Weight: 0.47 kg 
Digital XMV-16M Frame rate: 3 Hz 
Camera (Illunis) effective piKels: 467243248 Tih m 
. |Weight: 7 kg 
ee | sa arci 
g Scanning rate: 6-80 Hz 
OEMV-3 Position accuracy: 1.8 m 
GPS weight: 0.075 kg 
(Novately data rate: 20 Hz 
velocity accuracy: 0.02 m/s 
IU hi Uum weight: 3.4 kg 
y data rate: 100 Hz 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
It consists of both aerial and ground segments. The aerial 
segment acquires the sensory data about the damaged areas and 
transmits them to the ground segment in real-time. The ground 
segment receives the sensory data and rapidly processes them to 
generate geo-spatial information (Lee et al., 2011a). 
3.2 Quadcopter Micro UAV : MD(MicroDrones)4-1000 
Many studies have been performed for a wide range of 
applications of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) reached from 
the civil and commercial market to the military field (Haarbrink 
et al, 2006; Bendea et al, 2008; Everaerts, E. 2008; 
Grenzdórffe et al., 2008). UAVs have outstanding merits for 
low altitude photogrammetric mapping : 1) to perform very 
low altitude aerial photography at cloudy day, 2) to get full 
image of city building form different direction by complicated 
flying, 3) to supply a cheap and easy system for engineering 
organization for high frequency needs of aerial 
photogrammetric survey (Lin, 2008). With those specifications 
of UAVs, we attempted to apply to the field of natural disaster 
MD4-1000 is a AUMAV (Autonomous Unmanned Micro 
Aerial Vehicle) designed to perform many aerial tasks: 
surveying, exploration, surveillance, and communication etc. A 
modular payload concept allows the UAV MD4-1000 as well to 
carry a most diverse range of imaging, video and other sensor 
systems. The Microdrone UAV is consisted of OGPSMAG GPS 
(Global Positioning System), still camera (Olympus E-pl) with 
resolution of 12M (4000 x 3000 pixels), ground station set, Lipo 
battery and charger, carbon blade, etc (Lee et al., 2011b). The 
characteristics of MD4-1000 are as following Table 2. 
Table 2. Characteristics of MD4-1000 
Characteristics Description 
Flight Speed 15.0 m/s 
Empty Weight 2,560g 
Recommended payload 800g 
dimensions 1,030mm 
(Length between rotor shaft ) 
Flight time Up to 70 minutes 
Maximum take-off weight 5,550g 
EE EV LG RR » Micro UAV(M 
Figure 3. RAMS(left) and MD4-1000(right) 
3.3 LiDAR scanner 
For rapid detection and follow-up measures of natural disaster, 
a fast and accurate hazard monitoring system using both 
terrestrial and airborne LIDAR was suggested in this study. — 
To conduct volume analysis for the damaged area, 3D point 
clouds data were acquired from three types of terrestrial LiDAR 
scanners. After pre-processing such as registration of point 
cloud data, noise filtering, and geo-referencing, we compared 
the terrestrial LIDAR data with the airborne LIDAR data, which 
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