Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
and organization for evacuation simulation would be more 
sounding (Yuan and Schneider 2010). This research trend is 
also very helpful about the idea of introducing consistent basic 
unit to represent the whole building area. 
All these contributions by researchers have enlightened us to 
develop an improved method to prepare navigation data for 
evacuation simulation. In our opinion, the combination of a 3D 
normalized spatial relationship model and a parallel 
computational framework can answer the question of providing 
accessible data for emergency evacuation simulation in large 
buildings. Therefore, this paper will concentrate on the 
introduction of these algorithms to the working procedure in 
emergency communication data extraction. 
To finish this task, this paper contains four parts including the 
introduction part. In the second part, we come to analyse the 
key features of inner-building space and formulate a normalized 
spatial relationship model to extract communication 
information; in the third part, we use a test area to prove our 
model is workable; in the final part, we discuss the advantage 
and disadvantage of our solution. 
As mentioned in the first part, the striving needs of emergency 
evacuation require large volume of simulation data. Evacuation 
simulation needs two basic types of data: people behaviour data 
and basic environment data(Vanclooster, De Maeyer et al. 
2010). The people behaviour data could be generated from 
social research or psychological research, and this is not the 
focus of our research. Nevertheless, the related factors of the 
building environment data draw our attention. 
For the purpose of evacuation simulations is moving a group of 
people from the dangerous area to the safe area, the spatial 
distribution feature of evacuation building is the most important 
element among its environment factors. Furthermore, the inner- 
space feature of buildings is also crucial, since the artificial 
structure mainly places its function area in the inner part of 
building. Therefore, we should consider both the spatial 
distribution and the inner-space feature of large buildings. Thus 
the next part of the paper is about the accessible position 
description of the inner space feature for large buildings and a 
designed extraction solution for the communication data of 
inner-building space. 
3.1 Inner-Space Feature of Large Building 
Due to the fact that buildings are artificial objects, the inner- 
space of large buildings is defined before the structure is 
physically constructed. This space is classified into many 
functional parts, such as electrical supply part, heating-pipe part 
or other parts, and all these parts must be accessible for 
people(Martín, García et al. 2011). If the functional part is not 
accessible, then the part cannot be maintained by workers. 
Nevertheless, the ‘accessible’ meaning for skilled building 
workers is quite different from normal pedestrians. This is 
caused by the different mobility ability of these two groups of 
people, for example a well-trained electrical worker could use 
climbing tools like ropes to climb up a tall wall easily, and a 
normal person cannot do this. For the emergency evacuation 
simulation the mobility ability of people is restricted into the 
minimum level, in other words the accessible area means the 
area easily moved in and out on foot by normal people. 
To restrict the accessible area for normal people, the limitation 
for moving from one place to another place must be defined. 
Otherwise, some un-acceptable moving condition would appear, 
such as through one step people could jump directly from one 
floor to the neighbour floors. The mobility limitation for people 
in inner-building space has three types. 
The first type of limitation is the step length limitation. Every 
moving step from one position to the neighbour position must 
not be over the average step length of normal people, otherwise 
the moving request is rejected. The second type of limitation is 
the step height limitation. Like the step length limitation, the 
height difference between two neighbouring positions should 
not be over normal people level. The third type of moving 
restriction is the slope limitation. This type of limitation is 
introduced to eliminate the case that two neighbouring position 
are on the edge of a large slope. All these three types of 
limitation will be carried out in the communication data 
extraction for evacuation simulation. 
The three types of movement limitation lead to the construction 
of a special relationship model for the inner-space of large 
buildings. The feature of spatial distribution for inner-building 
space requires us to introduce several popular types of spatial 
objects and their important relationships. In the next section, we 
will focus on the explanation of these introduced spatial objects 
and the related spatial relationships model. 
3.1.1 Typical Spatial Object 
From many aspects, the considering scope of candidates for 
basic spatial object are comparative narrow. In detail, the 
artificial feature of buildings determines that the inner-building 
objects of the structure are in regular shape. This determines the 
introduction of regular shape object (figure 2), and leads to the 
choice of cuboid as the basic spatial object. We have evaluated 
many types of polyhedron. At last we choose the cuboid, 
because other types of polyhedrons have many disadvantages in 
the evacuation simulations. 
Accessible cell 
Accessible cell representation 
Physical representation 
Figure 2. Diagram showing transformation from existing 
building structure data to pedestrian accessible cell form 
For example, if we use an octahedron with six rectangle faces 
and two honeycomb faces as the basic unit, then each unit 
normally has six neighbouring units, and this makes an obstacle 
to simulate people choosing path in evacuation. This is because 
people have been accustomed to eight direction choices for 
moving to the neighbouring units. If they have six direction 
choices, they will be confused. 
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