Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

X-B4, 2012 
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After the setting of basic units, we can only use larger cuboid as 
an index to represent a specific collection of basic units. And by 
using the cuboid index, we could filter the unnecessary space 
for a specific extraction operation out. F 
Besides the introduction of basic unit and spatial index object, 
we should also introduce triangles to represent the boundary of 
the existing 3D objects for large buildings. The reason is that 
the evacuation position extraction currently set the data source 
to several common formats of 3D files using the triangle to 
compose the building structure. Thus only after fully analysing 
information kept by triangles could we finish the task of 
evacuation communication data extraction. 
312  Normalized Spatial Relationship for Inner-Building 
The triangles and cuboids play different roles in our normalized 
spatial relationship model. The triangles in the existing data are 
used to form up the skeleton of the building structure, and this 
function is transferred to the boundary forming objects in our 
model. These boundary objects could distinguish the inner- 
space with outer-space of the building. The inner-space of the 
building would possibly be involved in the evacuation 
simulation, for they may be the communication position in the 
next step. Nevertheless most of the outer-space will be filtered 
out for being little value in evacuation simulation. Furthermore 
we should also create a standard to differentiate the involved 
inner-space from non-involved inner-space for a specific 
evacuation research. We believe this standard could only be 
defined by analysing the communication information from two 
The two aspects are whether current considering position is in 
the possible inner-building communication space and whether 
this position is accessible physically by normal people. The first 
question could be answered by following this logic. The 
triangles of the building representation successfully define the 
inner-space and outer-space of the research building. We could 
properly determine the accessibility of current position by fully 
analysing the relationship between current position and all the 
triangles belonged to the same building. 
The second question could be solved by the establishment of 
accessible position evaluation standards proposed in the former 
section. This means we must check the moving length, height 
and slope restriction to finally figure out whether the 
considering position could be moved into from its neighbour 
313 Manual Settings for Accessible Position Extraction 
The accessible position extraction theory is the core of our 
solution. And this theory mainly covers two aspects explained 
in the former section and several key topics about other 
Important details in the communication position extraction 
process. First, we must clarify that the basic communication 
unit in our research is the cuboid object with a fixed width, 
length and height, which is normally a long 3D box with a 
Square bottom. The fixed size of 3D box helps us format the 
Whole area into a 3D array. This array could be well organized 
the accessible information of the building part (figure 3). 
Furthermore, the equal size of length and width is intended to 
Tegularize every horizontal moving step length committed by 
Simulated people. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Plane Slape 
Figure 3. Evacuation area represented by regular accessible 3D 
Second, the considering target (pedestrian) of the evacuation 
simulation restrict the moving style to walking. This indicates 
no long distance and cross-layer jumping is allowed. Thus one 
building layer is divided into several layers formed by basic 
units to prevent cross-layer moving. 
Beyond the topic of basic unit and basic moving styles, there 
still are many subjects not covered in this approach. They will 
be supplemented in the future papers. 
3.2 Key Algorithms for Evacuation Data Extraction 
The key algorithms for evacuation data extraction are inner- 
space determination algorithm for buildings, accessible position 
analysis algorithm for buildings. The former algorithm is to 
evaluate whether the current position is in the inner-space of the 
specific building; while the latter algorithm evaluate whether 
the inner-building position is an accessible position. The two 
algorithms are combined to produce the result of accessible 
communication position for specific large buildings. 
3.2.1 Inner-space Determination 
Researchers want to know one position is whether topologically 
inside a building. This analysing operation is comparatively 
complex. In this operation, we should not only decide whether 
the position is in the convex boundary of the building, but also 
evaluate whether the position is in the bounding area of the 
triangles belonged to the building. This task could be simplified 
by treating the position as a square unit. Therefore, we could 
use the centre of mass evaluation method when we need to 
determine whether this box object is inside the polyhedron 
representing the building. In short words this means we only 
need to consider the mass centre of the box object is in the 
polyhedron or not. As is shown in figure 4, we could see the 
belongingness for the small box unit is determined by the mass 
centre position to the large polyhedron.

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