Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

We have systematically formulated a semi-automatic solution 
of inner-building communication data extraction for emergency 
evacuation simulation. And this solution takes proper usage of 
spatial relationships and geometric features of artificial 
buildings. The experiment shows the solution is workable for 
large building group communication data extraction from 
existing 3D data files, i.e. in Sketch-up format. 
Nevertheless, our solution could be greatly improved from two 
directions. First, although we have divided a complex building 
into several minor parts to relieve the computational burden for 
computers, the spatial dividing product of the buildings is not 
very good. Therefore, a better dividing evaluation system for 
complex buildings should be developed. Second, the proposed 
solution uses multithread method to finish the extraction task, 
but the parallel-computing concept is not implemented in the 
extraction operation in each building part. This results in a 
waste of multi-core CPU computing resources. In the next step, 
we should implement the multithread mechanism in the lower 
level extraction process such as building part level. 
Boguslawski, P., C. M. Gold, et al. (2011). "Modelling and 
analysing 3D buildings with a primal/dual data 
structure." ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing 66(2): 188-197. 
Lee, J. and S. Zlatanova (2008). "A 3D data model and 
topological analyses for emergency response in urban 
areas." Geospatial Information Technology for 
Emergency Response: 143"C168. 
LI, Y. and Z. HE (2008). 3D Indoor Navigation: a Framework 
of Combining BIM with 3D GIS. ISOCARP. Dalian, 
Martin, B. D., A.-L. García, et al. (2011). Semantic and 
Topological Representation of Building Indoors: An 
Overview. The Joint ISPRS Workshop on 3D City 
Modelling & Applications and the 6th 3D Geolnfo 
Conference, Wuhan, China. 
Nagel, C., A. Stadler, et al. (2009). Conceptual Requirements 
for the Automatic Reconstruction of Building 
Information Models from Uninterpreted 3d Models. 
Proceedings of the ISPRS working group III/4, IV/8, 
IV/5. 'GeoWeb 2009 Academic Track - Cityscapes', 
Vancouver, BC, Canada. 
Vanclooster, A., P. De Maeyer, et al. (2010). "On the way of 
integrating evacuation approaches." 
Yuan, W. and M. Schneider (2010). Supporting 3D route 
planning in indoor space based on the LEGO 
representation. Second ACM SIGSPATIAL 
International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness, 
San Jose, CA, USA, ACM. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
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