Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

<-B4, 2012 
Box 91775- 
he field of GIS. 
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NTDB map files 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin 
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
changing that was happened. Flowchart of this procedure was 
shown in Figure 1. 
Defining the best data model could distinguish appropriate way 
for strong and stable revision strategy. The optimized spatial 
data in our country is NTDB map that was described earlier. 
These data should be covert to robust data model. It should be 
precise and element links should enter correctly. This procedure 
takes some more time. Another data resource for our aim is 
satellite image and related control points for referencing them. 
Images should bring to an accurate triangulation process and 
become ready for detection. These two main sources of data 
will be used for revision procedure. 
Operators play a main role in revision part. They must detect 
and recognize each difference between map and image. This 
procedure could be time consuming and operators cannot cope 
with very complicated rules. On the other hand the unity of data 
should be concerned. In our trend all of data such as spatial and 
conceptual must not be separated and topologic relations are an 
important part. For this reason ArcSDE environment for data 
storing was selected. Changes will be stored in a version and 
source of data could be in access until the whole process of 
updating complete. 
Revision Flowchart 
Control Point ( Image \ 
Definition Acquisition / 
(Satellite Image 
i — 
| SE Le 
GeoDatabase — em—m 
a I 
Feature Extraction for 
Changed Objects 
Acceptance of 
- Geodatabase 
chibi we 
Change fe ™ 
File of Changes 
Extraction A 
Figure 1. Revision Flowchart 
This type of data storage makes some facilities for controlling 
updating procedure. Manager can find any differences between 
old generation of data and new generation. Changes could be 
stored in a separate file and reported. 
Reducing redundant data is a key feature of our strategy. Each 
edit will be applied to a specified version in ArcSDE. Operators 
choose desired sheet name and load all features in specific 
region. Because editing in Bentley Microstation environment is 
More desirable than ArcMap environment, an mdl application 
"i$ established to connect with Gcodatabse and editor apply 
changes in Microstation. Before loading data, some topology 
rules should be introduced. After that cach data without any 
overlap and with regards of data interpretation priority will be 
loaded. An operator could edit some parts with editing tools. 
Links to conceptual data remain with spatial data. 
Each difference extracted from satellite image in each region. 
Software operator could distinguish changes in building, roads, 
cultivations, etc. The type of building or road or another feature 
cannot realize from images, therefore attributes should attach 
by field surveying. In this step a change map will produce and 
an operator of field surveying search for attributes of changed 
objects. If any geometry modification is required it rejects to 
editor and applies to spatial data. 
After all process on map finished, the manager of geodatabase 
check and control the specific version that was updated. If all 
changes are accepted the version post and reconcile to base 
version and update of that region will be finished. 
The main advantage of this trend is reducing of redundant data. 
In the traditional method a separated file produced in each 
stage. By linking to a unique database all of updates could be 
seen by another user that is connected to it. It could be a good 
base for other strategies for updating by each organization 
which has critical connection with newest map. 
This trend could be expanded to a comprehensive method for 
updating large amount of data by well-known CAD softwares 
and their tools. 
National Cartographic Centre of Iran, 2002. Iran 
Comprehensive Plan for Production of Required Maps and 
Spatial Information, Volume 1, National Cartographic Centre of 
National Cartographic Centre of Iran, 2012. Web site of 
National Geographic Organization of Iran, http://www.ngo- 
A. Eslami Rad, M. Sarpoulaki, 2004, Islamic Republic Of Iran 
National Report For Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing 
2000-2004, Presented to the 20th Congress of International 
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 

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