Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

IX-B4, 2012 
t of cameras, after 
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If two scanners are 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin 
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
They can also be used jointly with remaining cameras to 
colorize the cloud of points. In order to verify travel trajectory 
and to release cameras, an odometer is fixed to one wheel of the 
axle set. The whole equipment set is mounted on a Structural 
section fixed to the flat car deck. The diagram of arrangement of 
particular system elements in different variants of installation of 
high-resolution digital cameras is shown in Fig. 9. The module 
of 3 scanners is marked in red, 4 photogrammetric cameras are 
marked in grey and yellow (2 black and white cameras and 2 
colour cameras, respectively), and 2 colour video cameras are 
marked in yellow with additional "v" letters on them. Red 
rectangle on the wheel shows the position of odometer. 
The goal of the paper was to show results of research works 
completed by a research and development team from the AGH 
University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland, 
under the project of constructing a prototype of flatcar to 
measure railway clearances. 
In the first part of the project a review of existing systems was 
made (Section 1.2). Based on preliminary literature survey, two 
different measurement systems were selected to test flaws and 
advantages of particular methods. Next test measurements, 
described in Section 3, were performed on a selected railway 
route sector. 
The final stage of research was proposing a model of a ground- 
based scanner railway lorry with a gco-referential module and a 
photogrammetric module, which was described in Section 4. 
It was assumed that using presently available scanners and upon 
the application of perpendicular scanning together with 
diagonal one, it would be possible to guarantee detection of all 
obstacles in the track-side area, with one of their dimensions 
higher than 5 cm. It is, however, impossible to fully identify 
what a reflecting surface is. Therefore, upon detection of so 
small, "single-point details" it is necessary to use cameras and 
to look over images showing the place under discussion. 
Experience. demonstrates that looking over images was the 
Weakest side of the photogrammetric technology due to the 
labour intensity and possibility of omitting objects that enter the 
clearance area. Also measurement performed on a 3D stereo- 
model is manual, with a low rate of automation. This results 
from the specificity of the railway zone space, in which objects 
subjected to measurement are relatively small, often lofty, with 
à relatively distant background recorded between them, which 
radically changes the stereoscopic model depth. Hence 
photogrammetric support in the form it is used now should be 
reduced to an absolute minimum — to clarify doubts that appear 
during measurements in the cloud of points (that is, 
One of conclusions originating from the completed research 
Works is a statement that the cloud of points should develop 
from profiling in different directions: perpendicularly and 
diagonally to the track axis. Measurement performed on a cloud 
of points obtained from perpendicular profiling gives better 
accuracy rates but it not always is capable of detecting the 
eXistence of objects, especially those small ones, along the 
railway track and extending crosswise. Scanning performed in 
different directions increases the density of the cloud of points, 
Which density is of critical importance for the identification of 
details, Average distance between profiles in tested clouds of 
Points varied from 0.05 to 0.20 m, with the smaller interval 
reached only at low travelling speed. Systems used during tests 
Were not able to provide a sufficient data density for a travel 
With the Speed of 80 km/h. A specific sufficient density equals 
the possibility of detecting details of several centimetres in size. 
Therefore, the target system, which has to operate at the speed 
of 100 km/h, must utilize both different directions of profiling, 
and scanners of higher performance rates. 
BBRT 2011, Balfour Beatty Rail Technologies materials for the 
AGH University of Science and Technology. "Limited Gauging 
Capability Overview and Consideration of Areas of Support in 
PKP PLK's Gauging Research Project". 
Schewe H., Hol J, Gründig L. 1999. LIMEZ - 
Photogrammetric Measurement of Railroad Clearance 
Obstacles. Third Turkish-German Joint Geodetic Days, 
Istanbul/Turkey. Towards a Digital Age, Volume II, page 721- 
Meier J., 2009, a presentation titled LIMEZ III — Der neue 
Lichtraummesszug der Deutschen Bahn "Railborn High-Speed 
Laserscanning". 3. Hamburger Anwenderforum Terrestrisches 
Laser-Scanning. Hamburg. 
http://www. geomatikhamburg.de/tls/tls2009/images/1 4 tis2009 
meier.pdf (15 Apr. 2012) 
L-KOPIA, 2012. 
http://Www.lko.com/ (15 Apr. 2012) 
Riegl, 2011. 
http://www.riegl .com/uploads/tx_pxpriegldownloads/1 O0 DataS 
heet VMX-250 26-09-2011 pdf (15 Apr. 2012) 
Zoller*Fróhlich, 2010. 
profiler-6007-duo/66967-187670.html (15 Apr. 2012) 
This work was funded by AGH University of Science and 
Technology, project No: and 5.72. 130.151. 

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