Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

ent snow, Built-up area 
igh productivity, High 
OW productivity, Non- 
1 for Coniferous forest, 
sted peat bog. 
0: Vigorous vegetation, 
getation, Bare rock and 
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car, and acreage figures 
jle. People may look at, 
jurce statistics sheets as 
ce statistics for Norway: 
>r/2010/Norge arstat 20 
verage, but is inhomoge- 
tion, and update frequen- 
pecific importance more 
luct sample-based moni- 
r monitoring of the agri- 
e (Dramstad et al, 2003) 
ape phenomena based on 
ites (1x1 km squares) by 
al photos. Each square 15 
record changes. Four 1n 
ndscape spatial structure, 
nd accessibility. 
The specific monitoring of changes in the agricultural landscape 
combined with the long-term changes captured by the full cov- 
erage area resource statistics provides information that makes it 
possible to analyse trends and drivers in the changes. 
Further, the processing of 3Q-data was improved based on the 
successful use of PostGIS for ARSTAT. The landscape analysis 
application was a typical desktop GIS production flow, includ- 
ing several tools, format conversions etc. We decided to fully 
exploit the GIS-functionality integrated in the DBMS while 
“translating” the application to PostGIS. A significant reduction 
in complexity and processing time was achieved. 
The GIS functions in PostGIS cover the Simple feature specifi- 
cation (ISO, 2004) and more. This makes it possible to analyse 
spatial information and compute and store the entire set of indi- 
cators using relatively simple SQL-queries. 
The statistics are based on ARS and AR50. ARS has the most 
detailed classification. AR5O is based on generalized ARS-data, 
the topographic dataset N50 and interpretation of satellite 
images in mountainous areas. ARS is yearly updated, while 
AR50 is revised every second year. The land resource statistics 
is accordingly produced every second year. Changes in the ARS 
dataset may therefore not be published in these figures before 
two years after the changes actually took place. 
A copy of ARS is frozen as a “year version” of the dataset in 
January, e.g. year version 2011 is the database version available 
at the beginning of 2012. During 2012, ARS will be updated. 
These changes will not be included before the year version 2012 
produced January 2013. 
The changes in ARS occur at different time in different 
municipalities and landscape types. Thus, the real changes in 
the landscape are better presented using longer intervals than 
one year. Although we consider the production line to be fairly 
efficient, there are small changes from year to year on a national 
scale. In the future, in order to better highlight significant 
changes, the statistics will be issued every third year. 
Total acreage numbers from ARSTAT may differ a little bit 
from the official total numbers given by NMA due to different 
Map projection, data source and generalization. NMA has used 
Lambert azimuthal equal area projection (ETRS89-LAEA) with 
azimuthal origin in the centre of gravity of Norway (E12, N64) 
for their dataset with administrative borders and acreage figures 
for all municipalities in Norway. AR5 and ARS0, on the other 
hand, are given in ETRS89-UTM33. 
An additional challenge for this year's version was the new high 
quality version of Norway's coastline published by the NMA in 
October 2011. We decided to use this new shoreline in order to 
Correct our data in some remote arcas. A side effect was that 
this introduced a lot of slivers where the old coastline was quite 
OK. Norway has the world's second longest coastline (after 
Canada). This overlay process allowed us to try out several 
Citing functions in the PostGIS toolkit. 
The open software solution is reliable, stable and fast. It is quite 
Cas) to use and to adapt to PostGIS if you know a little bit of 
SQL and are familiar with standard GIS functions. 
Publishing statistics on national to local level based on one data 
source is in many respects efficient. While data capture 
(through remote sensing or field work) is still costly, the use of 
efficient GIS tools offers flexible data processing to a low cost. 
However, publishing statistics based on fairly complicated and 
inhomogeneous data also poses quite a bit of challenges, espe- 
cially communicating the information to the users. The need for 
high quality data capture of the real landscape should not be 
References from Other Literature: 
Heggem, E., Strand, G.-H., 2010. CORINE LAND COVER 
2000, The Norwegian CLC2000 project. Skog og landskap. 
Report 10/2010. 
http;//www.skogoglandskap.no/filearch ive/Rapport 10 10 cori 
ne land cover 2000-1..pdf 
Aune-Lundberg, L., Strand, G.-H., 2010. CORINE LAND 
COVER 2006, The Norwegian CLC2006 project. Skog og 
landskap. Report 11/2010. 
http//www.skogoglandskap.no/filcarchive/Rapport 11 10 cori 
ne land cover 2006-1..pdf 
Bjerdal, L, Bjerkelo, K., 2006. ARS klassifikasjonssystem. 
Klassifikasjon av arealressurser. Skog og landskap. Manual 
Statens kartverk 2012a. N50 Kartdata. Brochure. 
http://www statkart.no/?module=Articles;action=ArticleFolder. 
Skog og landskap, 2011. Arealressurskart ARS, AR50, AR250, 
CLC. Skog og landskap. Brochure 1/2011. 
http://www.skogoglandskap.no/filearchive/arcalressurskart bro 
ISO, 2004. Geographic information -- Simple feature access -- 
Part 2: SQL option. ISO 19125-2:2004. 
http://www.iso.org/iso/iso. catalogue/catalogue te/catalogue de 
References from Journals: 
Gjertsen, A. K., Angeloff, M., Strand, G.-H.,. 2011. 
Arealressurskartover fjellomrádene. Kart og plan, Aas, no. 
71/1, pp. 45-51. 
http://www .skogoglandskap.no/publikasjon/arcalressurs kart ov 
er fjellomradene 
Dramstad, W. E., Fjellstad, W. J., Strand, G.-H., Mathiesen, H. 
F., Engan, G., Stokland, J. N., 2002. Development and imple- 
mentation of the Norwegian monitoring programme for agricul- 
tural landscapes. Journal of Environmental management, 64, 
pp. 49-63. 
References from websites: 
Tenge, I. M., 2011. Det blir mindre kvalitetsjord. Forskning.no, 
September 8 2011, 1 page. 
http:/www.skogoglandskap.no/filcarchive/det blir mindre kva 

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