Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

Statens kartverk, 2012b. Arealstatistikk - tall for kommuner og 
http://www kartverket.no/nor/Land/Fagomrader/Arealer og tall 
/Arsutgaver av_arcalstatistikken/ 
PostgreSQL 2012a. What is PostgreSQL? 
http://Www.postgresql.org/docs/9. l/intcractive/intro- 
Statens kartverk, 2012c. Lengre kyst og flere oyer. 
http://www kartverket.no/Lengre+kysttogtflere+%C370B8yer. 
d25-SwZrY 27 ips 
PostGIS 2012. What is PostGIS? 
PostgreSQL 2012b. psql. 
http://www postgresql.org/does/9. 1/interactive/app-psql html 
Wikipedia, 2012a. Batch files. 
W3C, 2012. Read more about SQL, XML, XSLT and CSS on 
the home page of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). 
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