Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

2.1 Objectives 
This scientific project is included in a global scheme. The Idea is 
to reinforce Thann’s attractiveness thanks to cultural means. This 
research is a first step. Creating an accurate Geographic 
Information System (GIS) and a 3D model of the site appcars to 
be really useful for archaeologists or historians but also for the 
city itself. The goals of a first project were to acquire data and to 
build the GIS and the 3D model. A perspective of the project was 
the integration of a virtual tour of the site. This simple 
application created thanks to panoramas (made of pictures) was 
really efficient in terms of visualization and distant 
comprehension of the site. It is also crucial to be aware of the 
people we are working for. The GIS and the 3D model are very 
useful tools. However, the city head is looking for casy ways to 
make people discover the site and find disseminate information 
about it. The issue at stake here was to find out how to create an 
application that is not only accessible to everyone but also 
combines all different types of data (archacological works and 
reports, pictures, 3D, 2D, etc.). 
2.2 Data: surveying and treatment 
First of all, the team had to acquire data by photogrammetry and 
TLS techniques. Then, after the treatment, a 3D model was 
created. The model is structured in layers and coded colours. 
Each sector is numbered and identified according to its position 
and function as the description given by Ehretsmann. 
Identification is then used to associate any type of data in digital 
form (drawing, photography, mode of assembly, drawing, 
collecting descriptive report, hyperlink to web page, etc.) to each 
constitutive element of the ruins. 
This structure is very important for the case of model integration 
into an Archaeological Knowledge Information System (AKIS) 
especially in 3D-AKIS. The analysis capabilities of 3D-AKIS 
combined with a high performing documentation management 
system was used here to provide a tool for archiving and 
documentation, allowing full analysis of the complex structure. 
(Koehl at all, 2011). 
The Figure 1 shows the different steps to acquire all types of 
data, from the onsite survey to the 3D model and to the GIS, 
from existing 2D data to 3D vector data. 
2.3 Virtual tour 
The first virtual tour was created. It was quite simple, 12 
panoramas made of pictures were linked to each other in a flash 
application which is readable in Adobe flash player. The link 
between the different scenes is available through hotspots. You 
can also switch from a panorama to another thanks to a Combo 
Box at the top of the viewer. This tour was created by means of 
the Kolor Panotour software. The used standard version was 
easy to exploit. A graphic interface helps the user to import 
panoramas and to create links between each of them. However, 
this version remains a bit limited. It is not possible to add any 
features. As a user of the standard version, it is not possible to 
get the XML file for adding exterior parameter. Those features 
are only available in the professional version. 
The issue at stake here was to develop this existing tour. First of 
all the question was: how is possible to integrate the 3D model 
into the tour? To solve that problem we suggest the creation of 
panoramas from the 3D model. 
virtual tour 
integration to the Flash Data, SWE 
30 model integration to the 
Figure 1. Scheme of data (origin and treatment) 
A definition of a panorama could be a view with a large angle. 
The concept is used in photography, in painting, drawing and 
also in cinema. There are many types of panoramas and several 
software packages (Kolor, 2012), (PTgui, 2012), (Hugin, 2012) 
are now quite developed to create them. 
It is important to see the different types of panoramas, the data 
needed to create them, and how they are created, manually or 
automatically. In this part, we will give several examples of 
panoramas (with different formats) and explain a few basics to 
understand how they are created in software. 
There are plenty of formats. The projection depends on the way 
the pictures of the scenes were taken, on the software used, or on 
the expected special effects. In some specific application, the use 
of any tie points is not required. For instance, it is possible to use 
a cubic projection if the panorama is generated thanks to six cube 
faces. There are other types of projections: the stereographic one, 
also called “little planet" that has the ground in the middle of the 
picture and the sky on the edges. 
The examples below are just a few of them, extracted from the 
web site (Wiki.panotools, 2012) and the most cited in the 
Full Spherical Formats: There arc two main spherical formats: 
Equirectangular and Cubic. Both are able to display the whole 
sphere that surrounds us - 360? along the horizon, 90? up and 
90? down. Specialized viewers are needed to view spherical 
panoramas. Kolor Autopano is able to do it. 
Equirectangular Format is widely used by à couple of 
Panorama Viewers as for example PTViewer and SPi-V. It 
consists of a single image with an aspect ratio of 2:1 (that is, the 
width must be exactly twice the height). 
Cubic Format (Figure 2) uses 6 cube faces to fi 
sphere around the viewpoint. The image is remapped t 
ll the whole 
o the cube 
faces which fit 
QuickTime VR 
JPEG compre: 
information ho 
Another cubic 
faces in a sing 
aspect ratio of 
This format is 
the 3D model 
later in this par 
Figure 2. Cub 
There are a num 
these are panora 
other way. Part 
don't cover mor: 
(that is they car 
less in the other 
Rectilinear, but | 
Cylindrical pan 
ora part of it. T] 
they are used foi 
horizontal lines, 
Rectilinear pan 
(non-fisheye) ler 
view are limited 
they are good for 
is too large they 
41 Panorama 
Kolor AutoPano 
really closed to e 
into a complete | 
overlapping pictu 
have to be acq 
Recovery to allow 
the whole view. 
After that, there a 
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