f VGI data
ion 2, aiming at settling
ta to update professional
tabase timely and in turn
enhanced data to VGI
1ism as organic cycle to
hanism emphasizes the
”, the users provide more
h as GPS, drawing the
to SDI, SDI verify the
erified data to the user,
improve the efficiency of
ent methods for VGI data
ndly according to the
> matching algorithms for
SDI vector data to detect
ic SDI database linkage
time and verified data to
¢ mechanism
ind preprocessing
of current VGI websites,
llowing kinds: GPS track
eld or on-board GPS; the
lines and polygons drew
ng image or aerial photos;
ser's cognition; the texts,
tain position information
1, it can be divided into
phics data includes GPS
ry objects; semantic data
related text, images and
gap between VGI data
acquisition methods and professional surveying and mapping
methods, VGI data has some characteristics: the uncertainty of
data quality; the differentiation of data distribution; the outlines
of geometry objects drew by public not accord with the
standards of professional surveying and mapping department,
the complexity of big geometric objects edited by multi-users
etc. So, if professional surveying and mapping department
wants to harness VGI data, the process of data filter, cleaning,
pretreatment and conversion would be necessary to meet the
standards of professional surveying and mapping. The next part
in this section will discuss the proposed problems.
At present, the mainstream VGI web sites such as
Openstreetmap in order to get high quality data, design some
rules to restrict the source and quality of data. They use user
permissions, user contribution and the level of user professional
to judging the certainty of data source, provide certain data
format and fixed form for uploading data, adopt the multi-user
and third-party to verity the validity of data. We think that two
layer should be established for data filtering and cleaning, the
first layer for getting reliable data source, the second layer for
achieving reliable data. The verified data should be processed
by format conversion, transformation of global coordinates,
topological relationship building, space entity index, the
consistent of graphics entity expression to meet the
requirements of matching homonymous elements.
3.2 The algorithms of homonymous elements
The more important aspect of VGI data is the homogenous
clements recognition and matching, which is fundament for
detecting the changes and updating. The earliest case is a
project of United States census bureau, in 1983 the United
States census bureau merged its existing data map with USGS
data map which was new, using the rubber band technology to
adjust and iterative the node on the map constantly, for getting
the matching relations between homogenous elements(Saalfeld,
1988). Since then, many scholars began to discuss the
theoretical and practical problems in homonymous elements
matching. The current data matching algorithm, mainly chose
geometry, semantic and topological relations as matching
indexes to find homogenous elements. According to the
characteristics of VGI data, such as without scale concept, we
provide an algorithm to extract multi-level tree data structure
globally; choose the feature points as center points to match on
each layer; combining multiple matching indexes, match
homogenous elements of point, line and polygon in a given
threshold area. For the data cannot be determined, professional
department need to design update schedule, adopting other
method to collect the change data, such as field collection.
wx geometry
— Spatial relation
Figure 3. The matching of homonymous elements
3.3 Detect changes and define change type
By matching the homonymous elements between VGI and SDI
vector data, the change information could be acquired more
easily through the automatic or artificial interactive way, then
the change information will be extracted and submitted to the
professional surveying and mapping departments to identify and
release real-time data. This update method belongs to
incremental updating. When changes once happen, they will be
detected and verified, and updated the professional spatial
database, at the same time the out-of-time data will be archived.
Lastly, SDI public the new and verified data products to end-
users, which is a loop update mechanism for each other. Here,
according to the type of data, the change types could be
classified into three types, attribute change, geometry change,
geometric and attribute both changing. Then based on the
operation of the change, the change types could be divided into
add, deletion and modification. We could integrate the first and
second classification, the change types will be classified into
the following 13 kinds of combination types: attribute add;
attribute deletion; attribute modification; geometry add;
geometry deletion; geometric modification; attribute add,
geometry add; attribute add, geometry modification; attribute
deletion, geometry add; attribute deletion, geometry deletion;
attribute — deletion, geometric modification; ^ attributes
modification, geometry add; attributes modification, geometric
modification. As the attribute is affiliated with geometry, so
when the geometry is deleted, the attribute doesn't exist.
3.4 The confirmation and publication of change for SDI
The data from VGI has so many uncertainty factors, such as
possible malicious data. So after detecting the data changes, the
changes need to be extracted and submitted to SDI department
to verify the validation of data. The validated method mainly
can through the way of the combination of the field surveying
and mapping and the indoor detection. Field surveying and
mapping usage professional equipment and experts on the field
survey to confirm the data changes, and collect professional
data accord with standard of professional data, the surveying
and mapping indoor usage the latest remote sensing image or
aerial photographs through professional interpretation to
confirm the reliability of data. The two methods also need
certain time period, the updating period of field surveying and
mapping depends on the professional department update
schedule; the updating period of surveying and mapping indoor
depends on the collection period of remote sensing image or
aerial photos. Generally speaking, the collection period of aerial
photos is shorter than that of remote sensing image. After
surveying and mapping departments verify data and collect high
precision and reliability data, including the data indoor
compiling, the various related databases are updated, then,
online data products are updated, by releasing to the user.
3.5 The ring of updating
The current update mechanism of VGI is by amateur in VGI
platform to contribute data, in contrast, that of professional
surveying and mapping departments is by professional expert
and equipment to collect and update to realize, there is so great
gap between them. But in recent literatures and researches,
some began to pay attentions to the topic about that professional
departments provide data for VGI platform, such as Bing Maps
provide remote sensing image to Openstreetmap. There are also
some researches based on VGI data to provide real-time change
information for professional departments such as disaster