Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

XXXIX-B4, 2012 
| change in cognitive 
ng the properties of 
ut also as surroundings 
na offers a wide view 
over the surrounding 
ed by certain margins, 
s. Both panoramas and 
imanded from primary 
s mountain tops and 
ng valleys or plateaus 
tage-points. Artificial 
Ul the human-made 
these areas. (Appleton, 
at the mountain edges, 
/s over the piedmont 
of Jebel Bishri hilltops 
previously mentioned 
of sites of prominence 
lle standing to rotate 
360°. Both the mobility 
Is was created by the 
'nhances visibility. The 
es, textures, colours, 
ike distance and depth. 
rrounding world, while 
jatial patterns in the 
ment of such qualities 
roved during the Upper 
when also the greater 
ck shelters at the sites 
ility for the benefit of 
nd-lowland interaction 
ling plains is emerging 
nal cycles. The view is 
| groups that had been 
re also traced through 
tain proper during our 
1acological studies that 
he edges but also the 
the mountain. 
ng the hunter-gatherers 
seasonal movement In 
eights were chosen for 
and grazing purposes. 
rominent positions for 
d look-out points were 
e edges where changes 
e been observed. The 
tellite data elucidate in 
lities for highland and 
only in the past but also 
M data were utilized in 
Bird images in 3D. The 
red with high resolution 
its for visibility can be 
the role of visibility In 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin 
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
choosing sites for occupation, hunting, gathering and pastoral 
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