Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

lume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
stems has been collected 
ing SOS wrapper and 
eographically distributed 
ML-HTTP requests. The 
ita from different formats 
in FS) to real data in the 
nsory data and converts it 
by using the calibration 
AL, which is stored in 
by executing Structured 
nents. The SOS wrapper 
1, which helps in the real 
d Application Clients i 
Observations, etc. 
Crop Database 
(Wi-Fi based WSN) 
tecture for GeoSense 
b application client has 
ols (GWT, 2011), which 
or data on the web by 
ests (e.g. GetCapabilities, 
database (Figure 6). The 
» has the ability to locate 
ce (e.g. Google Web Map 
ms and conditions on the 
given time interval in the 
a d 
i Fun ot ni 
agn sd recut son source, GLS: arat P 
Time as yyyy mm-MThh mm ss 
2003-08-27T13 16 48 463.0400 
T1318 48 45304 90 
CateTima 20081-07107 22:36 344-06: 00 
ser V 
921 [26 29063615625 
pale cet 
320.04 00 rc nazt. [25 38861615625 
frei 0y21 12447205625 
19:36:24.541-04:00 |f01_0921 
yn Service Client 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
The back-end consists of Postgre SQL database server version- 
84 (PostgreSQL, 2011) and to support geographic objects, 
PostGIS version-1.5 (PostGIS, 2011) spatial database plug-in / 
template has been used. The Integrated Development 
Environment (IDE) Eclipse release-Helios (Eclipse, 2011) has 
been used with Google Web Toolkit plug-in (GWT, 2011) to 
convert source Java code into web-based JavaScript code. 
Apache Tomcat (Apache Tomcat, 2011) container processing 
application for Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages have been 
used to test and implement the distributed application client. 
4.3 Modelling Service 
The SOS has the ability to access, storage and retrieval of real/ 
near-real time sensory data. It has been found that due to high 
temporal resolution of sensory data (one observation per 
minute), there are few difficulties in processing and retrieval 
data on client side. In addition to all basic operations only 
orginal GetObservation (Arthur and Priest 2007: OGC 
Standards, 2011) request was modified and statistical analysis 
was obtained as a response. 
Through Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism requests 
were processed and generated response was asynchronously 
transferred to the service client (GWT, 2011). The response for 
specified phenomenon would consist of observation values 
grouped by user specified time interval along with statistical 
analysis (minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, etc). 
Figure 7, shows request and response mechanism of the 
modified GetObservation operation. This would help to 
understand the exact degree of change occurred in agro- 
meteorological parameters with detection of sensor defects and 
malfunction if any. 
n Sod Ind Distributed Application Clients : 
Modified Modified 
GetObservation | Observation 
Request parameters | Response parameters 
1. Phenomenon id i 1. Phenomenon id 
(e.g. temperature} (e.g. temperature) 
2. Time interval 2. Basisof analysis (unit/ day) 
(fromdayx today x.) | 3. Values 
3. Grouping duration (dayx min, max, mean, SD, etc.; 
(group by day) dayx, min, max, mean, SD, etc.: 
gay Xx. min, max, mean, SD, etc.) 
Sensor Observation Service 
Figure 7. Request and response mechanism of modified 
GetObservation operation 
The SensorML process chains has been implemented in order 
{0 obtain values for composite phenomenon (e.g. Reference 
Evapotranspiration (ET), Irrigation requirement,  etc.). 
SensorML for computation of Reference ET by Hargreaves 
method (Allen et al., 1989) is shown in Figure 8. 
Through integration of various data processing equations (e.g. 
Penman-Monteith, FAO-56, crop water balance, etc) SOS can 
be Improved and made available as a location based service to 
formulate strategies for agricultural resource utilization and 
Process SensorML Method SensorML 
computation process chain computation Method 
Link to source of Ref. ET equation 
Reference Evapotranspiration (Ref. ET) [nee Evapotranspiration (Ref. A 
independent Parameters 
Atmospheric Condition Rule Set 
Temp in Degree Celsius 
Date in Julian day (n=1 for 1* Jan.) 
Sensor Location in Decimal Degrees 
Sensor location (Lat, Lon) 
Daily Temperature (min, max} 
Dependent Parameter 
Radiation (mm/day) 
Hargreaves Equation 
ET; = 0.0023 Tınean + 17.8) Try — ufa 
Link to Source and compiled binary 
Figure 8. SensorML Process and Method for 
Reference Evapotranspiration calculation 
Reference Evapotranspiration 
Two different architectures of WSN having common 
application in agriculture are combined through the SWE 
framework. Through SensorML it provides performance 
characteristics (e.g. accuracy, threshold, lineage, etc.) and 
explicit description of the process by which an observation is 
obtained. This also ensures capacity to connect many sensor 
networks over internet and provide sensor observation 
information in support of data discovery. The implementation 
of the standards based SOA indicates that the sensor data can 
be efficiently accessed and utilized by researchers and various 
other user communities (students, government organizations, 
etc.) from web-based platform. Further, it is cost effective to 
transform the pre-existing WSN system into OGC Standards by 
using open source tools. 
Implementation of Sensor Web Enablement standards 
facilitates the interoperability and sensor data discovery, and it 
is possible to improve the research in WSN application fields 
(e.g. Agriculture, Environment, etc.) through this architecture. 
The GeoSense architecture has been improved through the 
application of SWE framework to work in ubiquitously in an 
interoperable manner and with web-based geo-visualization 
It is possible to improve the capabilities of SOA through 
implementation of additional process chains and enable 
application based requests (e.g. crop disease risk prediction, 
etc.). There is need for implementation of efficient and robust 
algorithms to process the high resolution spatio-temporal 
distributed sensory data (15 minute interval for AS and 01 
minute for FS) and use in various applications (e.g. quantifying 
deep percolation of irrigation water, correlating agro- 
meteorological parameters with crop diseases, etc.). Through 
multi-modal communication (by implementing Sensor Event 
Service) enabling participatory decision making and advisory. 
Adinarayana J., Sudharsan D. and A. K. Tripathy, 2009. Geo- 
information Services to Rural Extension Community for Rural 

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