Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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Figure 5 Speedup ration of parallel registration 
Due to the dramatic change of the radiation information on the 
CE-limageries, the traditional method based on the gray and 
line characters shows the limitation of achieving a satisfied 
result. Moreover, the registration process among lunar images 
which cover the whole moon has proved to be very time- 
consuming. In this paper, based on the standard SIFT algorithm 
a parallel and adaptive uniform-distributed registration method 
for Chang'e-1 lunar remote sensed imagery was proposed. The 
experimental results show the applicability of the proposed 
method for CE-1 lunar imageries registration: it could generate 
the matching points uniformly and effectively, and thereby be 
used for the establishment of the lunar topographic map and 
lunar geodetic network. However, due to the limited 
experimental conditions, only the CE-llunar imageries were 
applied for the registration. With the launch of the CE-2 and the 
other lunar satellites, the further researches should conduct 
higher multi-threads parallel processing experiment on large 
amount and multi-source data, and then establish a foundation 
for the automatic full-moon image matching and processing in 
the next step. 
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