Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Product Name Latitude Longitude Date Beta Azimuth 
WAC GLOBAL E300N0450 0° to 60° 0° to 90° 7/24/10 to 7/31/10 60-66 West 
WAC GLOBAL E300S0450 -60° to 0° 0° to 90° 7/24/10 to 7/31/10 60-66 West 
WAC GLOBAL E300N1350 0° to 60° 90° to 180° 1/20/10 to 1/28/10 61-69 West 
WAC GLOBAL E300S1350 -60° to 0° 90° to 180° 1/20/10 to 1/28/10 61-69 West 
WAC GLOBAL E300N2250 0° to 60° 180° to 270° 5/30/10 to 6/6/10 61-69 East 
WAC GLOBAL E300S2250 -60° to 0° 180° to 270° 5/30/10 to 6/6/10 61-68 East 
WAC GLOBAL E300N3150 0? to 60? 270° to 360° 7/30/10 to 8/7/10 55-61 West 
WAC GLOBAL E300S3150 -60° to 0° 270° to 360° 7/30/10 to 8/7/10 53-61 West 
WAC GLOBAL P900N0000 | 60° to 90° 0° to 360° 4/22/10 to 5/19/10 23-50 - 
WAC GLOBAL P900S0000 | -90° to -60° 0° to 360° 8/10/10 to 9/19/10 10-50 - 
Table 1. LROC WAC global mosaic tiling scheme (E, P = equirectangular or polar; N, S = north or south). 
Figure 1. LROC WAC global mosaic consist of eight equirectangular tiles that encompass 60° latitude by 90° longitude and two 
polar stereographic tiles that cover 60° to the respective pole. 
2.2 WAC DEM and Shaded Relief 
Orbit-to-orbit and month-to-month WAC image overlap 
provides repeat stereo observations for the entire illuminated 
surface of the Moon enabling production of a near-global DEM. 
In the 50 km polar orbit, WAC observations offer substantial 
(~50% at the equator) across-track stereo with images acquired 
from adjacent orbits. A total of ~69,000 stereo models acquired 
during the one-year nominal mission and the first months of the 
science mission phase were combined into a near-global DEM 
sampled at a pixel scale of 100 meters. This new topographic 
model map is known as the Global Lunar DEM 100 m 
topographic model, or "GLD100" [Scholten et al., 2012]. Due to 
persistent shadows near the poles it is not possible to create a 
complete WAC stereo map at the very highest latitudes. The 
GLD100 thus covers from 79? S latitude to 79? N latitude, 
covering 98% of the lunar surface. Since the stereo correlation 
box is larger than 100 meters, surface details at the 100-meter Figure 2. Orthographic view of the WAC Shaded Relief 
scale are not fully resolved. However, each 100- centered at 240° E longitude and 0° latitude. 

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