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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
and administrative names. For administrative names still not
completed yet due to the absence of several sub district or
district in validation process in the province level.
According to Presidential Regulation Number 112 Year 2006
about National Team for Geographical Names Standardization
mentioned that accurate information and data about the
geographical names should be achieved and realizing the
national gazetteer so there is a similarity of topographical
names in Indonesia.
Tsunami in Aceh and Nias 2004 was the greatest event of
tsunami that hundreds thousands of people died and also cause
environmental damage. Earthquake disaster in Yogyakarta and
Central Java 2006 caused many people died. Eruption of
Merapi Volcano happened in 2008, earthquake in West
Sumatra Province year 2009. Then in the year of 2010, flash
floods occurred in Wasior, earthquake and tsunami in
Mentawai also the eruption of Merapi Volcano in Central Java
and Yogyakarta (BNPB, 2011a; BNPB, 201 1b; Kardono et.al,
2009). Based on several disaster evidences in Indonesia,
peoples are always looking for geographical names as the first
key to enter relevant information. Those disasters need
geospatial information that consistence and accurate, especially
one of the important things is geographical names (Perdana
et.al, 2011a; Perdana et.al, 201 1b).
The accurate and consistent writing in geographical names play
important roles in the maps and imagery. There is a need to
build national gazetteer for disaster management and many
other purposes because it is basic element for communication
extensively in support social development, economic,
conservation, and national infrastructure.
This paper describes the important of geographic names or
toponym in the middle maps and imagery for disaster
management applications based on the current condition and
future need in Indonesia facing disaster.
1.2 Aims
The aims of this research are building the same understanding
on the need of accurate and consistent geographical names as
part of basic geospatial information for supporting disaster
1.3 Study Area
Study area in this research is Negara Kesatuan Republik
Indonesia (Figure 1) to depict and understand the current
condition of toponym and the development of gazetteer
nationally in term of geospatial information for disaster
management. Indonesia is a country in South East Asia, located
in equator line and among the continents of Asia and Australia
as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Because it
lies between two continents and two oceans, he is also known
as Nusantara (Archipelagic State).
Indonesia has a lot of natural and disaster features and also has
many local languages. People gave name of place with their
local names to help them identify its location that is why we
need to see in our preparation regarding geographical names to
supporting geospatial information in disaster management at
national scale. The uniqueness of natural and artificial
geographical names as human way in identifying environment
and makes it important as a reference in communication for
disaster or regional management (Santoso, 2006a; Santoso,
2006b; Perdana et.al, 201 la).
Figure 1. Study Area (Source: Peta Negara Kesatuan Republik
Indonesia, © BAKOSURTANAL (2010))
2.1 Preparation
This research start with literature study that consist of previous
study, government laws, overview of existing disaster maps
and geospatial information related to disaster. Such as
collecting information from BAKOSURTANAL as government
organization responsible for geospatial information
coordinating, BNPB as national disaster agency in Indonesia,
Universities that produced maps related disaster, Non-
Government Organization (either national or international that
worked in Indonesia) and local people that faced or victim of
2.2 Data Acquisition
Maps and imagery to be compared was accessed from internet
and also directly from the institution. Topographic base map
and gazetteer data were acquired from Center for Topographic
Base Mapping-BAKOSURTANAL as the key on how toponym
should be processed into gazetteer to provide geospatial data
for supporting disaster management. For better understanding
on how toponym was extracted from the field and processed
into gazetteer to be provided as one of the layers in topographic
base map or basic geospatial information.
2.3 Analysis
This study analysis is based on comparison analysis from
crowded sources of maps and images which use toponym or
gazetteer as part of them. The purpose of the analysis is to
reveal the need of accurate and consistent of toponym.
The result from this study is analysis of several maps and
website related disaster management.