ts of the left
h map for each
anent road signs
the normalized
e und saturation
varying lighting
nobile mapping,
the HSV color
to restrict the
by applying a
the detection of
tio from 0.06 to
1age acquisition
d and classified
ad yellow color
r the hue and
ned empirically
paigns. For blue
52 and 0.72 and
; featuring a hue
ion value which
covering yellow
corresponds to
ed by the two
rdized road sign
the dense depth
ts and widths of
also utilized in
ons with similar
planar segment
and 4j) and the
ves as detection
Figure 4. Automated detection of a road sign with predominantly yellow colors (a: left normalized image, b: hue component,
c: saturation component, d: distance reduced hue component, e: distance reduced saturation component, f: yellow color segments,
g: depth map, h: distance reduced depth map, i: planar segments, j: planar segments after morphological operations)
3.2 Automated classification and mapping of road signs
The classification process for a detected road sign is performed
using cross-correlation-based template matching with
predefined reference templates. Since the hierarchical
classification approach uses the properties color and shape to
considerably reduce the candidate set, not all road signs have to
be tested. Road signs which are inexistent on the captured roads
can also be excluded from the classification process.
The template with the highest normalized cross-correlation
coefficient within the search image is determined. This value
also serves as classification indicator. If it exceeds a predefined
threshold, the classification is considered as successful.
Candidates with a detection or classification indicator below
this predefined threshold are assigned to a list of uncertain
objects for a subsequent user-controlled verification and (re-)
The dimensions of the search image are defined by the road sign
dimensions in the normalized image plus a margin on each side
(e.g. 10 pixels). The template is scaled to the dimensions of the
color segment within the search image. The correlation is
computed based on the channel which empirically showed the
highest similarity between a real road sign image and the
corresponding synthetic template. This is the blue channel for
red road signs, the red channel for blue signs and the saturation
component for yellow road signs. Pixels of the search image
which are white in the template have a too low gray value
depending on the image quality. Hence, to improve the
matching results, all pixel values are set to white (maximal
value) or black (zero). The required threshold is computed
dynamically based on the gray value distribution of the search
image. Further details can be found in Cavegn & Nebiker
When a road sign could be detected and classified, the 3D
object coordinates of the sign are determined. For the
computation of the model coordinates, the image coordinates of
the sign's center of gravity, the corresponding depth value as
well as the parameters of the interior orientation are needed.
The following transformation to the desired geodetic reference
system requires that the exterior orientation parameters of the
left normalized image are known.
The detection, classification and mapping processes
automatically yield a number of attribute data like the 3D
coordinates, the template number and the standardized side
lengths. They can further be used for creating or updating a GIS
database. This is essential, because even in highly developed
countries, GIS-based digital road sign inventories either do not
yet exist at all or were derived from analogue maps and are
normally not up-to-date.
The implemented algorithms were evaluated based on two field
test campaigns in the city of Muttenz near Basel with the
stereovision-based mobile mapping system by the FHNW
Institute of Geomatics Engineering (IVGI). Currently, this
MMS features two pairs of stereo systems, each with a stereo
base of approximately 90 cm, and with industry cameras at
different geometric resolutions (Full HD and 11MP). Direct
georeferencing of the stereo imagery is provided by an entry-
level GNSS/IMU system in combination with a distance
measuring indicator. Earlier empirical tests of the IVGI MMS in
multiple test campaigns demonstrate accuracies in object
coordinate space for well-defined points of 3-4 cm in along-
track and cross-track and 2-3 cm in vertical dimension — under
presence of a good GNSS availability (Burkhard et al. 2012).
The first test campaign was carried out in winter time
(November 2010) with difficult to poor lighting conditions, the
second in summer (July 2011) in sunny conditions. In both
cases, about 2500 stereo image pairs were captured on
residential roads at five frames per second and at a driving
speed of approximately 40 km/h resulting in about one Full HD
stereo frame every two meters. For the subsequent evaluation of
the detection and classification quality, all relevant road signs
with predominantly red, blue and yellow colors were identified.
These relevant signs were all road signs adjacent to the driving
lane on the right-hand side facing the driver, i.e. with a road
sign plane roughly perpendicular to the road axis, thus covering