Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

X-B4, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
the approach is suitable for quality assessment, an evaluation is 
done in section 4. The paper concludes with a summary and an 
outlook in section five. 
The focus of this paper is the verification of GIS-cropland and 
grassland objects. The publications dealing with the classes 
cropland and grassland using multi-temporal images are limited 
to the classification task. Therefore, in this section we will focus 
on approaches dealing with the classification of cropland, 
grassland and similar classes like vineyards using a multi- 
temporal data set with low resolution images. The special focus 
will be on features and on the classification method. 
Using a multi-temporal data set with low resolution images, it is 
common to use only spectral features for the classification 
process (Gong et al., 2003; Itzerott and Kaden, 2007; Marçal 
und Cunha, 2007; Hall et al., 2008). Itzerott and Kaden (2007) 
use for the classification of different agricultural classes norm- 
curves of these classes which were created from a prior multi- 
temporal analysis based on the Normalised Difference 
Vegetation Index (NDVI). These NDVI-norm-curves show that 
grassland objects always have an NDVI significantly larger than 
zero, whereas cropland can have a very low NDVI depending 
on the season. The norm-curves are created using four Landsat 
images (GSD: 30m) taken within one year. For the classification 
of unknown GIS-objects of a given field boundary cadastre the 
mean NDVI of each object is calculated. Then a classification is 
carried out using the NDVI norm-curves within a Maximum- 
Likelihood or box classification. Using the box classification an 
overall accuracy of 65.7% and using the Maximum-Likelihood 
classification an overall accuracy of 72.8% could be achieved. 
However, the NDVI of different crops can underlie strong 
regional and temporal variations. Hence, the adaption of the 
NDVI-norm-curves to other regions is a challenge. Training 
with a multi-temporal data set within a large area would be 
Simonneaux et al. (2008) apply a pixel-based approach using a 
decision tree algorithm for the classification of different kinds 
of crops. For each pixel a NDVI profile over time is calculated. 
To create these profiles, eight Landsat satellite images taken 
within one year were available. The overall accuracy of this 
approach is 83.7%; the kappa-index is 0.78. These good results 
could be achieved mainly through the high number of images. 
Margal and Cunha (2007) use the NDVI and a field boundary 
cadastre for the detection of vineyards in a multi-temporal data 
set consisting of nine SPOT 5 images (GSD: 5 m) taken in 
2002, 2003 and 2005, and in addition four Chris Proba satellite 
images taken in 2006 (GSD: 17 m, 18 bands). Besides the 
average NDVI value also the minimum, maximum, standard 
deviation and the median NDVI per GIS-object was calculated. 
Margal and Cunha (2007) summarise in their article that the 
features are useable for the classification but quantitative results 
are not presented. 
Lucas et al. (2007) proposes a rule based classification based on 
the software eCognition (Baatz and Schape, 2000). First, 
segments (fields) are determined by a segmentation of each 
GIS-object. Next, numerical decision rules based on fuzzy logic 
are developed to discriminate vegetation classes. The rules are 
primarily based on inferred differences in phenology, structure, 
wetness and productivity. The decision rules connect 
knowledge about ecology and the information content of single 
and multi-temperal remotely sensed data and their derived 
products (e.g., vegetation indices). The rule-based classification 
gives a good representation of the spectral and temporal 
characteristics of different agricultural classes but leads to quite 
complex rules. These complex rules are difficult to manage and 
the transfer to other regions. 
De Wit and Clevers (2004) apply a pixel-based Maximum- 
Likelihood classification combined with an object-based 
decision tree classification. In the pixel- and object-based 
classification the NDVI was used as feature. The image data set 
used in (De Wit and Clevers, 2004) consist of in total 13 
Landsat, two IRS-LISS3 (GSD: 25 m) and two ERS2-SAR 
images taken within two years. The overall accuracy of this 
approach is high with 90.4%. However, for the object-based 
classification first the interactive creation of a field boundary by 
a human operator is necessary. Due to the time-consuming 
generation of the field boundary cadastre, further improvement 
for a practical use of this approach is necessary. 
If images of higher resolution are available, additional features 
like textural or structural features can be introduced into the 
classification process. Textural features describe the distribution 
of grey values; structural features describe structures within a 
GIS-object such as parallel lines within a local neighbourhood 
of a pixel or within a GIS-object. For instance, Miiller et al. 
(2010) use spectral, textural and structural features in a 
classification based on weighting functions to differentiate 
between several kinds of crops. They use high resolution multi- 
temporal aerial images (GSD: 17cm). First, the phenological 
behaviour of different crops is trained using a training data set 
and the determined features. Based on this training, GIS-objects 
with an unknown class can be classified by analysing their 
phenological behaviour. The results are promising with an 
overall correct classification rate of 91.3% but due to the small 
size of the test area no final conclusions about the practical 
usefulness can be made. 
Our method differs from the cited approaches by the used 
features, classification method and number of images needed for 
the classification/verification. For instance, we use structural 
features derived from a semi-variogram. For classification we 
use is the state-of-the-art algorithm of Support Vector Machines 
(SVM; Vapnik, 1998) which has not been used for the multi- 
temporal classification of the agricultural classes cropland and 
grassland so far. In addition, to avoid the use of a field 
boundary cadastre, we apply a pixel-based classification. Our 
approach is flexible regarding to the number of images, and also 
can operate with only three images taken in one year. 
The idea of the approach is to use the fact that the appearance of 
cropland changes significantly within a year (cropland can be 
covered with vegetation or is not covered with vegetation, it can 
contain structures when tilled or not when untilled, ...) whereas 
the difference in the appearance of grassland changes only 
slightly. As mentioned above, these  multi-temporal 
characteristics are considered in a pixel-based classification 
approach. In order to process the classification three main steps 
are necessary. First, features are extracted within a local N, x N; 
neighbourhood. Second, these features are classified by a 
previously trained supervised learning method. Finally, the 
pixel-based results are transferred to the GIS-objects. The object 
boundary polygons are given by the GIS data set which has to 
be verified. 
3.1 Feature Extraction 
The feature extraction process takes into account several 
different aspects to ensure an optimal classification result. For 

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